Properties and Benefits of Mulberries

The mulberry tree is one that has been long forgotten. If you speak to younger people about mulberries, most of them probably have never even heard of them. The mulberry tree has a very long life span, ranging from 500 to 1000 years. Just imagine the benefits you can get from fruits that come from an almost ‘immortal’ tree.

And there are about 16-17 species of mulberry, the following three being the reference point for the species: Morus nigra, usually referred to as the black mulberry tree, Morus rubra, also known as the red mulberry tree and Morus alba, or the white mulberry tree.

The black mulberry tree (Morus nigra) produces significantly more fruits compared to the other two species of mulberry, but a rich soil and sufficient rainfall can make any tree of the species a heavy bearer of fruit. Its fruits are honey sweet and juicy. Truthfully, once you have tasted them, you might consider choosing black mulberries over strawberries or any other berries.

I know I do. When ripe, some white mulberries can turn partly pink. Nevertheless, they are juicy, flavorful and extremely sweet.

Mulberry benefits

General Properties of Mulberries

 Mulberries are popular for their sweet taste and juicy texture, and they come in a range of colors, including black, red, and white.

  • Black mulberries are the most common variety and are typically larger than other types. They have a deep, rich flavor and are often used in desserts and jams.
  • Red mulberries are smaller and sweeter than black mulberries. They are often eaten fresh and can be used in salads or smoothies.
  • White mulberries are the sweetest and most delicate of all mulberry varieties. They are often dried and used in baking or added to trail mixes and granolas. 

Mulberries typically grow in the summer months, from late May to early September, depending on the climate and region. The exact time of harvest can vary depending on the variety of mulberry and the location where they are grown.

Mulberries are popular for several reasons. They are delicious, with a sweet, juicy flavor that is reminiscent of blackberries or raspberries. They are also versatile and can be eaten fresh, dried, or cooked into jams, pies, and other desserts. Most importantly, mulberries are a rich source of antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients, which makes them a healthy choice for anyone looking to add more fruits to their diet. 

Here is an extensive nutritional profile for mulberries that may justify their popularity and benefits explained later. 

Nutritional profile of mulberries

Mulberries are packed with nutrients and offer a range of health benefits. A 100-gram serving of fresh, raw mulberries contains approximately;

  • Calories: 43
  • Protein: 1.4 grams
  • Fat: 0.4 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 9.8 grams
  • Fiber: 1.7 grams
  • Sugar: 8.1 grams
  • Vitamin C: 36% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin K: 7% of the DV
  • Iron: 6% of the DV
  • Calcium: 3% of the DV

The most surprising yet important fact is that these tiny, little juicy berries are 88% water only! And when dried, these berries are 3% fat, 14% fiber, 12% protein and 70% carbohydrates. 

The carbohydrates in mulberries are simple sugars like glucose and fructose and the fiber is both soluble (pectin) and insoluble (lignin). This fiber content is very good for maintaining a healthy digestive system and keeping the cholesterol in safe limits. 

Is mulberry rich in vitamin C?

Mulberries are naturally high in iron and vitamin C, with around 14% of daily iron values and over 40% of daily vitamin C values.

Mulberries are especially rich in vitamin C, as you can see in the nutrition table below. A serving of 100 g of fresh mulberries has 36.4 mg of vitamin C, providing close to half of your minimum recommended daily intake of the essential micronutrient. Eating foods rich in vitamin C means your body will be better equipped to fight off infections and enjoy a speedy recovery.

Moreover, vitamin C actively contributes to reducing inflammation levels in the body and exerts antioxidant effects, scavenging free radicals and helping prevent, reduce and reverse free radical damage to cells.

Moreover, the vitamin content offers a variety of benefits like vitamin C is good for the health of skin.

The vitamin C from mulberries further exerts immunomodulating effects by stimulating the immune system response and actively supporting the immune system function. Mulberries are further a source of antiaging benefits owed to their high content of vitamin C, but also pigmented and non-pigmented antioxidants.

Mulberries can be considered an antiaging food due to their generous content of vitamin C.

Is mulberry rich in Vitamin E?

Mulberries contain small amounts of vitamin E with benefits for skin health and antioxidant effects, but have almost no vitamin A: less than 1% of the RDI (recommended daily intake) for an average adult.

Mulberries and Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9

The fruit are also a good source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9 (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6 and folate) which help the body synthesize carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food to provide energy and combat fatigue. B vitamins are vital for brain and nervous system health and eating mulberries can help enhance memory and combat foggy thinking and mental fatigue.

Nutritional Facts mulberries

Mulberries and Vitamin k

Mulberries are also a good source of vitamin K with reputable antibleeding effects and anti-inflammatory benefits. How much vitamin K in mulberries? The fruit contain 7.8 mcg (micrograms) per 100 g. Vitamin K supports blood coagulation, helps prevent bleeding from nosebleeds and easy bruising as well as exerts a strong anti-inflammatory action.

Mulberries and Minerals

Last but not least, mulberries are a good source of minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and iron. Calcium and magnesium contribute to better bone density.

Magnesium further helps calm agitation and is good for the heart and other muscles. Potassium is an electrolyte which helps keep the cells of the body hydrated and lowers high blood pressure numbers by counteracting the effects of a high sodium intake.

Copper in mulberries helps preserve hair and eyes pigment. Lastly, 100 g of mulberries provides 1.85 mg of iron, which is about 14% of the recommended daily intake for the average adult, based on the new and updated Reference Daily Intakes of nutrients from food.

The type of iron in mulberries is non-heme and is different from the iron in meat and fish. Fortunately, the vitamin C in the fruit helps ensure a maximum absorption level, making mulberries a good choice for preventing and reversing anemia. Mulberries further contain very small quantities of lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which play a crucial role in the fight against the infamous free radicals and promote good eyesight.

Eating mulberry fruits contributes to higher energy levels as a result of their generous B vitamins and iron content. Mulberries are also a good food to eat for anemia thanks to a good content of iron for red blood cell production and a high content of vitamin C which helps boost iron absorption.

Important plant compounds of Mulberries

Besides these nutrients, mulberries contain a variety of plant compounds that offer a wide range of benefits.

Some of the eminent compounds include; 

  • Anthocyanins – Inhibits oxidation of bad cholesterol 
  • Cyanidin – Responsible for the color of mulberries 
  • Chlorogenic Acid – Has antioxidant potential 
  • Rutin – Protects against some chronic diseases like diabetes

Health Benefits of Mulberries 

Owing to the nutritional content of mulberries, they are linked with a variety of health benefits. Some of the most important benefits of mulberries are explained below;   

Mulberries for Heart Health

Mulberries can contribute to your heart health by lowering the levels of cholesterol, reducing inflammation, improving the blood sugar levels, and preventing oxidative stress.

High levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of heart disease. Studies suggest that mulberry leaf extract and fruits of the tree may help to lower LDL cholesterol levels by inhibiting its absorption in the gut. Moreover, chronic inflammation in the body is linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Some studies have found that mulberry extract may help to reduce inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory compounds.

Furthermore, high blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of heart disease. Mulberries have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which may help to lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Finally, oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. This can cause damage to cells and tissues, including those in the heart. Mulberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help to prevent oxidative stress and protect the heart.

Mulberries for Digestive Health

Mulberries protect your digestive health in the following ways; 

  • Promoting regular bowel movements
  • Supporting gut bacteria
  • Alleviating inflammation
  • Improving the absorption of nutrients 
  • Supporting liver health

Mulberries are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation. Fiber also helps to bulk up the stool and improve its consistency, making it easier to pass. Moreover, mulberries contain prebiotic compounds, which are nutrients that support the growth and activity of beneficial gut bacteria. These bacteria help to maintain a healthy gut environment, which can support overall digestive health.

Most importantly, chronic inflammation in the gut is linked to digestive disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Mulberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation and protect the gut lining from damage. The nutrients in mulberries, including vitamins and minerals, can help to support the absorption of other nutrients in the gut which can improve overall nutrient status and digestive health. Finally, mulberries contain compounds that may help to support liver health. The liver plays an important role in digestion, as it produces bile that helps to break down fats in the gut.

Mulberries for Immune Health 

The vitamin and antioxidant content of mulberries works great for the health of the immune system. For instance, vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can help to protect the immune system from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of white blood cells, which help to fight infections.

Mulberries are also rich in antioxidants, which can help to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can suppress the immune system, so reducing inflammation may help to support immune health. Some compounds found in mulberries, such as resveratrol and quercetin, have anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may also help to reduce inflammation in the body and support immune health.

Polyphenols, which are plant compounds that have been shown to have antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects, are also found in mulberries. These compounds may help to support immune health by enhancing the activity of immune cells.

Mulberries for Skin Health

Mulberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells, including those in the skin. Antioxidants help to neutralize these molecules and protect the skin from damage.

The vitamin C in mulberries is important for the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps to keep the skin firm and supple. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the skin, which can contribute to aging and damage.

Mulberries also contain resveratrol, which is a compound that has been shown to have anti-aging properties. Resveratrol may help to protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Moreover, mulberries also have anthocyanins. They are plant pigments that give the fruit its deep purple color. These compounds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help to protect the skin from damage and improve its overall appearance.

Since mulberries are a good source of water, they can help to keep the skin hydrated. Adequate hydration is important for maintaining healthy skin, as it helps to keep the skin soft, supple, and glowing.

Benefits Of Dark colored Fruits

Dark colored fruits such as red and especially black mulberries are generally good sources of micronutrients such as essential vitamins and minerals, and contain highly biologically active antioxidants. Red and black mulberries contain high levels of bioactive flavonoid antioxidants called anthocyanins.

Studies have shown that eating dark-red fruit like mulberries can protect against diabetes, bacterial infections, neurological diseases and even some forms of cancer. The protective effect is owed primarily to pigmented anthocyanin antioxidants, the same found in black tomatoes, purple Amelanchier berries or serviceberries as well as black raspberries and purple raspberries and black cherries.

In addition to this, red and black mulberries help reduce inflammation in the body and even exert antiaging activities that help slow down the aging process at cell level. The anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits are owed primarily to pigmented anthocyanin antioxidants, and scientifically proven.

Red, pink and black mulberries have anthocyanin antioxidants with anticancer and antiaging benefits and resveratrol with cardioprotective and blood pressure lowering activities.

Mulberries further contain resveratrol, a natural antioxidant, anti-mutagen and anti-inflammatory that can also be found in red wine. Resveratrol, which is a polyphenol flavonoid, helps prevent strokes by modifying the molecular mechanisms within blood vessels. Resveratrol reduces vascular damage by lowering the angiotensin hormone responsible for vasoconstriction and high blood pressure and increasing levels of nitric oxide, a vasodilator hormone. In other words, eating mulberries can help lower blood pressure, offering cardiovascular benefits.


mulberries mini

What are the disadvantages of eating mulberry?

Mulberries are generally considered safe and are not a common allergen. However, as with any food, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction.

The most common symptoms of a mulberry allergy include:

  • Itching or tingling in the mouth
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat
  • Hives or rash
  • Stomach pain or cramping
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing
  • Anaphylaxis (a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction)

If you experience any of these symptoms after eating mulberries or any other food, you should seek medical attention immediately.

It’s worth noting that some individuals may experience cross-reactivity between mulberries and other fruits, such as figs or kiwis, due to their similar protein structures. If you have a known allergy to these fruits, it’s possible that you may also be allergic to mulberries. 

So, it’s always important to talk to your healthcare provider before adding new foods to your diet.

FAQ Mulberries

What do mulberries look like?

Mulberries look a lot like other berries, except you find them growing on tree branches. On average, mulberry fruits are 2-5 cm long, but some species like the Pakistan red mulberry or Himalayan mulberry are known to produce 3 inch long fruit (7.6 cm). Usually, fruit have an elongated shape, but a rich soil and plenty of rainfall can make them quite plump, almost round-looking and juicy.

Mulberries are compound fruit, meaning each fruit is actually made up of several others. As for their color, the unripe fruit are often a light green, but in some species they may be either white or a pale yellow. Ripe mulberries are white, pink, red-purple, dark purple, almost black. Just as interesting, the white mulberry tree has cultivars that produce white, red and purple-black fruits, so it is not always very helpful to botanically identify mulberry species by fruit color. But you can definitely eat them.

What do mulberries taste like?

The taste of mulberries is highly dependent on soil quality, amount of rainfall and sunshine the tree and fruits receive. Under ideal conditions, white mulberries should be juicy and extremely sweet, but some find they are not quite as flavorful as the other colors. Red and black mulberries should be extra juicy and extremely sweet tasting with strong fruity flavors and a rich flavor profile.

Red and especially black mulberries will stain clothes and skin; the staining on clothes can be irreversible, while the staining of the skin can last for two days or more.

Red mulberries that are not yet fully ripe may have a slight tart flavor, but it fades as they reach an optimal level of ripeness. Black mulberries are sticky, honey-sweet with the most complex fruity flavor profile and a pleasant, but mild tartness to them that compliments the sweet taste beautifully. The white fruit ripen first, in very late spring to early summer, followed by red ones. Black mulberries ripen last are are in season mid to late summer.

Do mulberries stain clothes and skin?

Both red and black mulberries stain clothes, as well as skin such as the fingertips. The staining on the clothes can be irreversible, while staining of the skin can last for up to several days. With this in mind, maybe it’s a good idea to not wear your best clothes when gathering mulberries, especially dark colored ones.

When do mulberries fruit and ripen?

Mulberries, wonderfully flavorful and sweet, are seasonal fruits and are naturally in season roughly from May till late August. Fruiting starts roughly one month to one month and a half before the ripening process begins, and even two or more months in the case of black mulberries. However, different regions may see different fruiting and ripening patterns. Fruiting and ripening are also impacted by yearly weather conditions.

When are white mulberries in season?

Where I live, white mulberries ripen first, usually late spring to early summer. This means they are in season late May – mid June at the earliest to late June – mid July.

When are red (pink) mulberries in season?

Red mulberries ripen right after white mulberries and they are in season mid summer, roughly late June – early July to mid July – early August.

When are black mulberries in season?

Black mulberries ripen last and they are usually in season starting with mid July and up until late August. Of course, ripening season may vary from region to region and year to year depending on climate and yearly weather variations.


You’ll hardly find mulberries available to buy; even at the farmers’ market they are a scarce presence. But you can easily forage for them as mulberry trees are quite plentiful in some regions, being a secular presence in the wild, parks and even front and back yards.

And they are easy to recognize: high up on mighty trees, the slightly elongated, but plump and juicy white, pink, red and black fruits occur abundantly and fall to the ground from sheer sticky-sweet ripeness if not picked on time.

And here’s something you might find interesting: did you know that there are mulberry trees that never produce any fruit? These are the male counterpart of the female mulberry tree and are a prolific source of allergenic pollen in spring. Some people are very allergic to mulberry pollen and experience severe allergic rhinitis during spring from exposure to the pollen.