7 Healthy Reasons to Eat Tuna

Tuna is a species of oily fish in the mackerel family. As a source of essential Omega-3 fatty acids, tuna is good for cardiovascular and nervous system health and promotes skin and hair health at the same time. The fish also contains important amounts of vitamin D for better immunity as well as B vitamins and cholesterol for brain health and a good energy metabolism. Rich in protein, tuna serves as a good food for building muscle and achieving weight loss. Overall, tuna has a good nutritional profile and provides important health benefits.

But why is tuna good for you? Here are 7 amazingly healthy reasons to eat tuna:
1) Builds your brain. Tuna is one of the best sources of an important Omega-3 fatty acid called Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. This form of Omega-3 is physically part of our brain, making up various structures like neurons cell membranes. DHA fatty acids actually make up half of the cell membrane of neurons, nerve cells that achieve the communication between our brain and body. Eating tuna contributes to building the brain from its earliest stages in the womb, helps it develop harmoniously after birth and maintain its integrity and functionality well beyond.

Why is tuna good

2) Helps you think better and clearer. Eating tuna promotes mental performances and is believed to reduce cognitive decline. This is because tuna is a great source of DHA Omega-3, a form of the fatty acid that is a constituent of various structures in our brain and protects the brain and nervous system against degenerative processes. Because Omega-3 fatty acids preserve the sharpness of our cognitive functions, eating oily fish like tuna, salmon or mackerel regularly can help reduce brain fog and stimulate mental performance.

3) Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Several nutrients in tuna boast strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, notably Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. Eating tuna has the potential to generate benefits for the nervous and cardiovascular systems and possibly improve cognitive decline, arthritis pain and vision. By preventing lipid oxidation that generates dangerous free radicals and inflammation, causing the thickening of the inside of artery walls and subsequent restricted blood flow, tuna is a good food for heart disease.

Moreover, the main Omega-3 fatty acid in tuna is present in our retina as well, where it acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, promoting a healthy vision and good eyesight. Lastly, Omega-3 fatty acids have been reported to improve arthritis pain and inflammation, with vitamin D having an immune-system modulating action that further contributes to benefits on arthritis and other immune system disorders.

Tuna benefits

4) Prevents osteoporosis. Tuna contains vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium for stronger bones and teeth. Vitamin D increases calcium and phosphorus absorption in bones, contributing to better bone density and reducing the rate at which bone tissue is dissolved compared to being made. The phosphorus in tuna also initiates the process of creating new bone, while magnesium improves bone density, making tuna good for your bones and osteoporosis prevention.

5) Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. By preventing the formation of lipid plaques inside artery walls, the Omega-3 in tuna helps prevent high blood pressure. Being a source of magnesium and potassium, the fish helps improve heart function and reduce high blood pressure by a few points, provided there are no dietary excesses. The Omega-3 in tuna also helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels and even raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

6) Tuna for strong hair and skin health. Tuna contains healthy fatty acids like Omega-3, vitamins A and E as well as B vitamins and amino acids, all of which boost hair and skin health. Eating oily fish strengthens brittle hair, repairs damage and gives hair a healthy shine. The same nutrients that benefit hair, also benefit skin, moisturizing it, helping it retain moisture and achieve a healthier, younger appearance.

7) Builds muscle. With a generous protein content, tuna builds muscle and encourages damaged muscle to repair itself. Moreover, it is an important source of B vitamins which impact energy metabolism, providing energy for growing muscle. B vitamins in tuna also prevent muscle weakness, muscle cramps and spasms.

Why is tuna both good and bad for you? Eating tuna can boost your health, as long as you don’t eat too much. More than other foods, tuna has the potential to be detrimental for you health. For example, as healthy as it may be in some respects, it accumulates heavy metals like methylmercury in its flesh, which can cause fertility problems, intellectual retardation in newborns, nerve degeneration and possibly diseases like dementia or multiple sclerosis. For more information on the risks associated with eating tuna, read the article Tuna: Good or Bad for You?

How much should you eat?

How much tuna is safe to eat? How much tuna can you safely eat while pregnant? Typically, nutrition experts recommend two servings of fish or seafood per week. But considering the risks associated with eating tuna, pregnant women are advised to avoid tuna species known to accumulate the most heavy metals (like albacore) and sometimes even tuna altogether, replacing it with other oily fish like salmon or mackerel.


So why is tuna good for you? There are many reasons to eat tuna and other oily fish like it. The main reason why tuna is good for you is its high Omega-3 content. However, the fish is an important source of other essential nutrients, providing generous amounts of vitamin D and phosphorus in particular as well as the means for an optimal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. Tuna is involved in energy metabolism, helps you achieve healthy skin and hair, boosts immunity and may even encourage better brain function and mental performance.