Does Hot Water Help Acid Reflux? (Answered)

Acid from the stomach may back up into the esophagus, causing a painful condition known as heartburn. If you are one of the 60 million citizens of the United States who undergo recurrent heartburn, you realize that it is more than just an irritation and can influence your everyday life and lead to stress around every plate of food. 

The biggest getaway in this case is your diet! 

Understanding what provokes heartburn can be a starting point for what kinds of foods and beverages someone should avoid in order to make signs less probable.

Urge of drinking water

When one feels a burning feeling in their chest, their natural inclination is to grab a glass of water and drink from it in large gulps. Just as one would do to put out a flame in the actual world. 

Heartburn develops when a person’s lower esophageal sphincter—the part that links the esophagus to the stomach, erodes or does not seal correctly. This results in acid overflowing into the esophagus, generating a burning feeling. 

There are a number of things that might cause heartburn, such as high-fat meals, spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolates, fizzy or caffeinated beverages, excessive intake of food, and drinking too much alcohol.

Relief from hot water

Drinking water, be it cold or hot, might bring relief. It has the potential to increase the pH level in the stomach. It is capable of watering down the acid. Additionally, it has the ability to clean out the esophagus.

Because water has a pH level that is close to neutral, it has the ability to elevate the pH level of foods that are acidic. Currently, there has been a lot of talk regarding the potential benefits of drinking alkaline water for reducing symptoms of heartburn.

The pH level of alkaline substances is greater, while their acidity levels are lower. Some individuals believe that it might counteract the acid’s effects and provide relief from the symptoms.

Furthermore, water aids the process of digestion which is also essential to the body’s overall health and function. Maintaining a healthy level of hydration may help to ensure that food moves through the digestive tract normally, which in turn helps reduce the amount of acid reflux that occurs after meals. 

It is true that consuming alkaline water can neutralize the fluid and aid digestion, however this effect will only last for a few minutes at most. In addition, consuming an excessive amount of water might throw off the natural order of the minerals that are found in the body.

As a consequence of this, it might significantly increase the likelihood of suffering from acid reflux. Thus, if you want to try using alkaline water as a treatment for heartburn, you should first consult with your primary care physician. 

Here are some Additional hot water benefits During Acid Reflux

Hot water restarts the metabolism and increases digestive efficiency

Hot water quickly clears the sources of food that are causing your stomach distress, avoiding future severe and uncomfortable symptoms. Still, you should make sure that the drink is never too hot since this might make the feelings of your acid reflux harsher.

It assists in the elimination of toxins

The toxins that build up within your body during the day may be flushed out with the aid of a warm cup of water. These chemicals may cause more damage to your esophagus, making your acid reflux symptoms even more severe over time. As a result, it is possible that finishing the day with a warm water glass will be beneficial in more ways than one.

Defense against the effects of free radicals

Honey and hot water make a delicious combination that many people like drinking before bed. Honey is well-known for its antioxidant properties, which help it protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Since they can cause damage to the lining of your esophagus, which can then lead to inflammation, those free radicals may be the cause of acid reflux.

Therefore, pouring little honey to hot water may help decrease inflammation and ease the feeling of burning.

Temperature matters!

The water’s temperature is another important factor to consider. According to Contemporary Chinese Medication and Ayurveda, consuming cold water reduces the flow of blood in the digestive tract. Because of this, it is advised that one consumes water that is either at room temperature preferably warm rather than cold. There are additional studies that indicated that drinking warm water helps with stomach evacuation or motility.” 

Drinking water at room temperature or slightly warmer than that can help alleviate the signs of heartburn in the short term; however, they highlight that this is not a quick fix that will work in the long term, and that it is even now crucial to determine the reason why you are beginning to experience heartburn in the first place.

Working with a primary care physician, gastroenterologist, or nutritionist who specializes in acid reflux may be helpful in identifying and treating the underlying issues that are causing the acid reflux. When you do this, you won’t be seeking for water to putting out an inner fire; rather, you will seek for it simply since you are thirsty.

 Adding some ingredients to hot water for good result

If you want to flavor your water with fruit, choosing water that is either lukewarm or cold is probably going to give you the greatest results. In this method, the fruit will retain all of its beneficial nutrients and characteristics for one’s health. Tea may also be made by steeping dried leaves in hot water, which is a good option to consider, particularly if you like your beverage on the warmer side. Because of their anti-inflammatory qualities, several types of tea may help reduce the severity of the symptoms associated with acid reflux.

You can read more : The effect of ginger tea with acid reflux

To illustrate, tea must be prepared with hot water, but fruit-infused water is often consumed chilled. In spite of this, there is some evidence to suggest that drinking hot water rather than cold water is more effective in neutralizing stomach acid. You should probably start with water that is lukewarm, and then gradually bring it up to a higher temperature without making it too hot.

Water and Fiber – The perfect combination 

Ingesting food sources that are high in fiber in combination with some water is an excellent strategy to combat the feelings of heartburn. Water and fiber complement one another very well in the stomach. On the one hand, this is an effective method for absorbing excessive stomach acid, and on the other, it helps you regulate your hunger, which in turn reduces the amount of food you eat. In this method, the acid will not be able to pour up into your esophagus. 

Also, drinking hot water that has been supplemented with hydrogen carbonate may also help alleviate the signs of acid reflux and GERD.


Drinking hot water resets your system and accelerates digestion. This implies that the meals that cause your stomach acids to regurgitate will be cleared from your system more quickly, which will avoid the development of burning feelings that are more intense and more painful. However, you should take care to ensure that the water is not excessively warm since this might make the symptoms of your acid reflux worse. 

In addition, drinking a cup of warm water may assist in the removal of toxins that have built up in your body over the course of the day. Your esophagus may sustain more damage as a result of these toxins, which may, over time, make your acid reflux symptoms even more severe. As a consequence of this, it is possible that finishing the day with a glass of warm water will be good in more than one way.

Remember, drinking hot water may give momentary relief from heartburn feelings. And, it must not be expected to work in a long run. Drinking little amounts of water during a dinner might be useful to dilute the drinks and meals that are taken as well as promote the movement of the food over your body. However, consuming large gulps of liquid might potentially make heartburn symptoms worse. So, the quantity and time of drinking must be chosen wisely.