Glycemic Index Of Popcorn (Answered)

Popcorn is special corn that “pops” when exposed to heat. At the center of every kernel is a small amount of water, which spreads when heated and eventually causes the kernel to explode. The first piece of popcorn was discovered in New Mexico and is said to be over 5,000 years old. Over the years, it has become increasingly famous. It became especially notable during the Depression because it was so cheap.

Today around 1.2 billion pounds (500 million kg) are eaten by Americans yearly, making it America’s most famous snack food by volume. Most Americans know popcorn as a steadfast part of the moviegoing culture, but it’s, in fact, a popular snack all over the world. It is easy to associate popcorn with more butter and salt, but the snack can offer surprising health benefits with its nutrients and low-calorie count.

It is packed with essential nutrients and provides a variety of health benefits. However, it is sometimes prepared with vast amounts of salt, fat, and sugar, which can drive overeating. For this reason, it is very vital to prepare your popcorn the right way. It can be either best healthy or very unhealthy, depending on how you prepare it.

What is a glycemic index?

A glycemic index is a helpful tool that rates food based on its ability to raise blood glucose levels, which is an expression of pancreas stimulation and insulin release. Insulin is required to shuttle glucose from your blood into all your cells, where it’s utilized to produce energy.

The glycemic index is particularly vital for people with diabetes because they either do not have enough insulin or are resistant to its actions. As such, low glycemic foods are usually recommended for diabetics and people who want to lose weight. The glycemic index is a scale that ranges from 0 to 100, and foods at or less than 55 are considered to have a low impact on blood sugar. Foods with an index score higher than 70 are fast digested into glucose and raise blood sugar, spiking insulin release.

Popcorn glycemic index

Popcorn glycemic index value

Popcorn glycemic index is variable. Most popcorn brands range from 55 to 65, although few are as high as 89, depending on the kind of corn, added ingredients, and the cooking method.

Plain, air-popped popcorn tends to have the lesser glycemic index ratings, whereas the stuff generally sold at movie theaters is remarkably higher. It’s mainly the starchy carbohydrates in corn that change into glucose and raise blood glucose levels. As a general guideline, you can make popcorn at home that’s a borderline low glycemic snack, or you can buy it pre-made at the theaters, but buyer beware!

Does popcorn have a higher glycemic index than pasta?

Pasta has a glycemic index of about 50 to 55, which is considered low. Popcorn has a glycemic index of 55 to 65. So, popcorn has a bit higher glycemic index than pasta.

Does popcorn have a higher glycemic index than chips?

Popcorn has a glycemic index of 55 to 65, and chips have a glycemic index of 55, which are approximately the same. 

Does popcorn have a high glycemic index than Sandwiches?

The glycemic index of a fast-food sandwich is more heavily influenced by the size of the bread or bun. A fried fish sandwich with cheese and tartar sauce has a glycemic index of 56 to 76 on a scale of 100. Popcorn has a glycemic index of 55 to 65, which are low than a sandwich. So, popcorn has a low glycemic index than a sandwich.

Can a person with diabetes eat popcorn?

Popcorn can be risky to eat if you have diabetes, mainly when looking for healthy snacks. This is because popcorn can contain too much sugar, which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. That being said, there are few varieties of popcorn that people with diabetes can enjoy.

Popcorn can be a healthy snack for people with diabetes, depending on what you put on it and how you prepare it. For those who experience diabetes, you should be careful about how much butter, sugar, and salt is added to your popcorn because this can cause a spike in blood sugar levels.

Even though few varieties of popcorn are healthy for diabetics, there’s always going to be a certain amount of carbohydrates and natural sugars found in the food – and this too will raise blood glucose levels if consumed excessively. If you want something healthier than readymade microwave popcorn, try making homemade air-popped popcorn. It has carbohydrates, but it is a whole grain food containing fiber. This allows you to maintain blood sugar levels and steady your blood sugar control with fewer spikes.

Does popcorn spike blood sugar?

Popcorn has a relatively best glycemic index and only has a glycemic load of 6 which means it won’t affect your blood sugar levels much. Popcorn is a healthy whole grain food containing dietary fiber, which aid you manage the effects of eating high amounts of carbohydrates over time.

If possible, try air-popped varieties without sugar or salt on top after popping instead of microwave popcorn with extra additions such as oil, caramel sauce, and butter. If possible, avert having large servings sizes since even though there are carbs in plain popcorn compared to other snacks, it is still carbohydrates.