Mulberries and Diabetes – Everything you Need To Know 

Around 422 million people worldwide are living with diabetes, and 1.5 million die of the disease yearly. It won’t be wrong to mention that this particular disease has, unfortunately, become a curse for the present world. The number of people getting the disease is increasing daily, and so is the death rate. 

The biggest reason behind the increase in number is our poor lifestyles. Some of the potential factors include the following; 

  • Sedentary routine 
  • Increased consumption of processed food
  • Poor sleeping habits 

One of the significant contributors to the disease is genetics as well. 

The disease is usually characterized by insufficient insulin production or cellular insulin resistance. And when insulin levels get disturbed in the body, your blood sugar levels are consequently troubled, i.e., they go incredibly high.     

There are several treatments available for the disease. The two most popular are medicines and insulin shots. Besides these, patients are advised to control their diet and do light exercise daily. 

Can Mulberries Control Diabetes?

Considering the dietary restrictions for diabetes, foods generally low in sugar are recommended. In addition, some exclusive food items are great at controlling your blood sugar naturally. One of them is your favorite mulberries

Yes, you read it right.  

Mulberry fruit and its tree leaves have been experimentally studied for their potential against diabetes. It has been found that both fruit and leaves (in the form of tea) effectively control sugar levels. 

Here are some reasons why mulberries control sugar in the blood

Simple Sugar Content 

Mulberries have sugar as their primary component, responsible for their sweet taste and flavor. However, these sugars are pretty simple and present in moderate amounts. Thus, they are not likely to add to your blood sugar. 

The significant types of sugar in mulberries are fructose and glucose. It has no sucrose, which is usually linked to boosting blood sugar during diabetes.

The amount of fructose and glucose in 100 g of mulberries is 4.05-7.70 g and 5.33-9.43 g, respectively. Besides these sugars, mulberries are super rich in fiber which is a great choice to consume during diabetes. Since fiber isn’t absorbed and broken down in your body, it doesn’t elevate your sugar level at all! 

Low glycemic index 

The Glycemic index refers to the ability of a food item to spike your sugar levels in the blood. Foods with lower glycemic index are less likely to affect blood sugar levels. However, a food item with a high glycemic index will cause blood sugar levels to rise. 

Fortunately, mulberry fruits have a low glycemic index, usually 25. Thus, mulberries are suitable for diabetic individuals and are not likely to raise your blood sugar levels. 

For this reason, it is often suggested that diabetic patients consume a small number of mulberries or their leaves’ tea after their meal. It not only mediates their sugar level but also aids in easy digestion due to its high fiber content.

Mulberry tea leaves suppress the sugar in your blood 

Studies have confirmed that DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin), a substance found in mulberry tea leaves, lowers blood sugar levels. Additionally, these tea leaves prevent blood sugar from rising postprandial (after a meal) (PPG).

One such study was carried out in Saudi Arabia entitled ‘Reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia by mulberry tea in type-2 diabetes patients.’ This study aimed to determine whether drinking mulberry tea was associated with lower postprandial blood glucose levels in people with diabetes. 

Around 48 participants were included in the study. Twenty individuals received ordinary tea, while the remaining 28 drank mulberry tea. All 48 patients had their PPG levels checked 90 minutes after consuming 70 ml of tea with one teaspoon of sugar. 

PPG levels significantly changed in those participants who drank mulberry tea. Thus, it was concluded that mulberry tea reduces PPG levels 90 minutes after ingestion.  

Are Mulberries Safe For People With Diabetes?  

The facts mentioned above and the figures suggest that mulberries are safe to consume during diabetes. They have a low sugar content and an even lower glycemic content. So they are not likely to spike your sugar levels. Also, their chemical composition allows them to curb extra sugar after mealtime. 

However, we still suggest that if you have the disease, consult your doctor before making any significant changes to your diet. The fruit is undoubtedly healthy, but it may or may not be suitable for your body chemistry. So, it is better to keep an expert in the loop. 

Some other tips to control diabetes 

Besides mulberries, you can also consider some other food options for the betterment of your disease. Some of the few examples are below; 

  1. Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, etc. 
  2. Fruits like oranges, watermelons, and apples. 
  3. Whole grains 
  4. High protein meat 
  5. Low-fat dairy 

Always remember moderation is the key to safe life. Eat any of these options but in a moderate amount. Keep their glycemic indices in check. 

Also, light exercise is a must during the disease. It will help you manage your weight and will likely keep you active. We don’t recommend heavy gyms and workouts but light exercises like walking, jogging, etc. 

Remember, if your lifestyle can cause diabetes, it can be fixed the same way! The disease may be there for life, but a slight change in your diet and lifestyle can prolong your life and keep the worst health inconveniences at bay!