Why Does My Stomach Hurt After Drinking Lemonade?

Some professionals and celebrities have extolled the virtues of drinking lemon water, citing its many uses, including its ability to aid digestion, aid in weight reduction, and avoid dehydration. But a very few of you would know that this popular drink can offer some unwanted health hazards as well.

Many health experts note that drinking lemon water has many health advantages, but drinking too much of it might aggravate conditions like heartburn, stomach discomfort, vomiting, and nausea. It is because foods high in citric acids, such as lemons, often set off acid reflux and GERD symptoms

If you have had an unfamiliar, painful sensation after having lemonade, you might be consuming it excessively and it might be triggering the above-mentioned conditions. However, you don’t need to worry because we’re here to help. 

This article covers the subject in detail and will help you tackle the situation well. So, keep reading! 

Causes of Stomach Pain After Drinking Lemonade

Being a high-acid beverage, lemonade may induce stomach distress. The acidic content of the drink may also irritate the stomach lining and lead to heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux. Stomach ulcers may arise as a result of high acidity of lemonade as well. 

Furthermore, lemonade delays the process of digestion and the food is likely to stay in your stomach for long. Thus, it causes stomach pain. Besides, there are increased chances of this acidic food to reflux back into the food pipe, causing heartburn.  

Most importantly, many research studies indicate that lemons have bacteria and some dangerous ones that may cause various stomach illnesses. For example, according to a 2007 study published in the Journal of Environmental Health, lemon slices that are often placed to decorate drinks in restaurants are a home of various microbes. The study analyzed 76 pieces of lemons from 21 eateries throughout 43 trips.

However, the scientists stressed that this microbial contamination was due to restaurants’ sanitary procedures. The results suggested that if you’re dining out, skip the lemon slices in your drinks because it can make you queasy. Instead, try squeezing the lemon especially if you witness workers touching lemons without gloves.

Symptoms of Stomach Pain After Drinking Lemonade

Drinking too much lemon water may cause heartburn, nausea, and vomiting due to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Diarrhea and vomiting are the most common symptoms observed till date.

Please see your physician if your condition persists for long and causes you to worry. 

How to prevent stomach pain after drinking lemonade

The best way to avoid the pain accompanying lemonade is to make it using warm water! A glass of warm lemon water can assist you at any time of day or night without causing any trouble. 

Consuming it first thing each morning on an empty stomach has been shown to have remarkable effects on the immune system. Although lemonade is acidic, it alkalizes when combined with warm water. This is significant, considering cancer cannot thrive in a more alkaline environment. Also, drinking lemon water in the morning cleanses your liver of accumulated toxins from the previous night. 

Still, it is also possible that your stomach hurts after drinking lemonade, if only the amount of added lemons exceeds the healthy limit. So, moderate consumption is necessary.

Home remedies for stomach pain after drinking lemonade


Because of the menthol they contain, peppermint leaves have been used for ages to alleviate stomach aches and gas. Use it in herbal tea, as peppermint balm, or even as a peppermint delight.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Although it lacks flavor, this kitchen essential may be consumed with a tablespoon to calm an irritated stomach. To make a drink, combine it with some water and honey. The acids included therein may aid in reducing carbohydrate digestion and maintaining healthy bacterial flora in the stomach.


Science backs up the traditional usage of ginger for stomach problems from ancient times. While ginger in all forms (candy, pills, or tea) might help alleviate stomach discomfort, nothing beats using raw ginger root.

Chamomile Tea

Although chamomile has traditionally been used to help people fall asleep, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that may ease stomach cramps and spasms. Please give it a go when you’re still awake before you turn in for the night to relieve stomach hurt after drinking lemonade.

Hydrate yourself

Always be sure to keep your hydrated levels up. Sweating, inhaling, and digestion causes us to lose water during the day. To avoid dehydration and maintain healthy gastrointestinal function, it is essential to replenish fluid loss. Thus, drink more and more water to keep inconveniences at bay. 


To alleviate a stomachache, try walking, bicycling, or doing yoga with moderate stretches and taking deep breaths. Try bending your back softly to help with gas problems while resting on your feet.

Apply Heat

Apply heat to your belly with a warming pad or warm cloth. Relaxing and relieving cramped muscles is one benefit of heat therapy. Using Epsom salts in a hot shower or bath may also be beneficial.

The BRAT diet may help

If tummy discomfort persists, you can’t go wrong with the “BRAT” diet of bananas, rice, apple sauce, and toast. Neither salt nor spices, which might irritate the stomach, are present in these meals, and the binding content is far higher than the fiber content. It’s an effective method of preventing and treating stomach upset and diarrhea.

When to see a doctor for stomach pain after drinking lemonade

Sometimes your stomachache may not need a trip to the emergency room. However, suppose it persists for more than a few hours, you should definitely see a doctor. Also, if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms like blood in the feces, rectal bleeding, pallor, loss of weight, difficulty eating, jaundice, or extreme vomiting and nausea, you should get immediate medical attention. Constant abdominal distress may be a sign of something more severe!

Potential health benefits of drinking lemonade

Just because it causes stomachache, you should not completely avoid lemonade! 

Lemons are abundant in vitamin C, fiber, and other helpful plant elements. And a variety of health advantages may be attributed to these nutrients. Many studies have also suggested that lemons and lemonades help with heart health, weight management, and digestion. 

So, here are some potential reasons to drink lemonade but remember moderate consumption is the key to good health. 

Aid in Weight Management

Several explanations have been offered for the widespread promotion of lemons as a healthy option for weight reduction. Since this is a widely held belief, the soluble pectin fiber they contain may cause stomach expansion and a prolonged feeling of fullness. 

But few individuals consume a whole lemon. And since lemon juice lacks pectin, beverages made with lemon juice won’t make you feel full in the same manner. Another possible way can be sipping hot water with lemon. It is said to aid with weight loss and cleanse your body thoroughly. 

It’s also well-known that consuming water causes a temporary rise in calorie expenditure, so it might be the water itself, not the lemon, aiding in weight loss. But in anyway, it is beneficial and worth a try.  

Keeps your hydration level in check 

If you cannot drink enough water in a day, adding lemon and honey can make it more palatable. It can help you intake adequate amount of water which is good for your overall health. It keeps your skin healthy and body hydrated and consequently prevents the dangerous outcomes of dehydration. Also, the citric acid content doesn’t let kidney stones to build. 

Boost immunity

The most effective technique to revitalize and hydrate your system is to drink a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon in it. However, did you realize it also helps your body fight against illness? 

Vitamin C, abundant in lemons, is an anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial antioxidant. A healthy immune system may be boosted by drinking a glass of lemon water sweetened with honey. 

Also, lemon water is an excellent immune-boosting drink because of its pleasant flavor, which can be enjoyed at any time of the day. 

Final Verdict 

Lemon water has several health advantages, including a boost to your immune system, fresh and hydrated skin, weight management, etc. Also, lemon juice is terrific for your teeth since it contains a lot of calcium and other nutrients and is effective against the microorganisms that cause tooth decay. 

It must be noted that you need to drink at least 2 to 3 liters of lemon water per day to get these benefits. However, the high acidity of lemon juice may erode your dental enamel and may even cause stomach pain, which is why many people avoid drinking it regularly. 

So, what could be done? Well, the solution lies within the article. Combine your lemon water regime with simple home remedies that keep stomach ache at bay so that you can enjoy this nourishing drink at your best. In case of any severe outcomes, contact your healthcare provider immediately.