The Different Varieties of Mulberries 

Mulberries or shahtoot are the fruits of mulberry trees packed with the goodness of a variety of nutrients. They are colorful berries that can be eaten raw or dried and are also processed into canned foods, jam, fruit juice, wine, and tea. 

Mulberries are often related to breadfruit or figs and have a sharp, sweet flavor with impeccable nutritional value. Their sweet flavor typically resembles that of grapes and the structure is usually comparable to blackberries.  

This article will help you explore the different varieties of mulberries that most of us are usually unaware of. So, let’s begin.

The 3 amazing varieties of mulberries 

Mulberry trees belong to the Moraceae family of plants with a genus named Morus. There are three major varieties of mulberries as mentioned below; 

    1. White Mulberry or Morus alba 
    2. Red Mulberry or Morus rubra  
    3. Black Mulberry or Morus nigra 

These three varieties originate from various regions of the world. For instance, Eastern North America is the natural home of the red mulberry, also referred to as the American mulberry. The white mulberry is native to China and has been developed to produce silkworms. However, the black mulberry grows only in Asia. 

Also, Morus nigra is usually regarded as having the greatest flavor but Morus rubra cultivars and hybrids are the most prized ones. On the other hand, Morus alba cultivars are usually sweet. 

Let’s now explore each variety in detail. 

Morus alba or White Mulberries 

White Mulberries-varieties

Of all the Morus species, white mulberries are the most frequently farmed. There aren’t many cultivars that produce white fruit, but most of them produce the ripped species like the pink to black ones. Note that the white-fruited Morus alba has a different flavor from the black one. The former is believed to have a watermelon-like flavor. 

The fruit quality of Morus alba ranges widely, even though its flavor is quite distinctive. It usually grows and flourishes when it is planted in an area having 4 hours of bright sunlight daily. Thus, in comparison to Morus rubra varieties, Morus alba can endure drier and poorer soils. 

White mulberries merely need a little fertilization and attention after being planted. Like the pH of the soil must be less than 7.5. They have a 70-foot height limit and a 250-year lifespan. Finally, they occur 10,000 feet above sea level. 

Morus rubra or Red Mulberries

Red Mulberries-varieties

Despite the quantity of fruit being inversely proportional to the level of sunshine, red mulberries do better in less sunny areas. They prefer moist and organically rich soil but can grow in dry environments once it has been established. In fact, the trees that have been in place for a while may even fight off flooding at the roots. Also, this variety can thrive better in more alkaline soils than other species.

The Morus rubra is a North American native and produces individual fruits along the branch. However, the white Mulberry trees yield fruit in bunches. This fruit has a great acidic flavor when it is still red, therefore it is preferable to consume it before it turns reddish-black.

Morus rubra is not well-tolerated by the silkworm and hence has fewer cultivars available than Morus alba which is planted extensively throughout the eastern United States to raise silkworms. 

Red Mulberry grows well in a variety of environments and thrives in a variety of soil types up to a pH of 8.5. It has a 70-foot height limit and can ascend to elevations of at least 3500 feet.

Morus nigra or Black Mulberry

Black Mulberry-varieties

In contrast to the 14 pairings observed in Morus alba and Rubra, Morus nigra is substantially polyploid, with 14 sets of 22 identical chromosomes. 

Highly polyploid organisms like Morus nigra are usually tough to develop new variations because the opposing chromosomes cover up a mutation in one chromosome. Thus, it is likely that you won’t see many differences between the so-called cultivars.

Compared to other mulberry species, Morus nigra may be able to survive higher alkalinity levels. Its tiny range in the US is largely restricted to US Agricultural Zones 6 to 9 west of the Mississippi, and it likes a Mediterranean environment. 

The Morus nigra has the longest lifespan of any mulberry species and the slowest rate of development. It has the most flavorful fruit and tastes the best. It is more tolerant of dry soil than alba and rubra species. To bear fruit, it needs full sunlight and can grow to a height of 45 feet and live for at least 500 years. Typically, it can be found up to 6500 feet in elevation.

Final Thoughts 

It must be noted that these are the three main varieties of mulberries. You may also come across different sub-varieties or cultivars. However, all of them are equally good to acquire some of the most important nutrients like iron and vitamin C.  

Mulberries are often associated to lower cholesterol, managing blood sugar, and risks of cancer. They have also been a part of Chinese herbal medicine for thousands of years. 

So, if you haven’t consumed these colorful berries yet, this might be the right time to treat yourself.