Are Avocados Good For Gastritis? (Answered)

Today, a majority of the world’s population is suffering from gastritis. It is one of the most commonly observed digestive diseases that is characterized by the inflammation of the gastric lining. Moreover, it is often accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen and may also lead to gastric ulcers or cancer, in the worst case. 

Doctors and dietitians often prescribe a certain diet during the disease and urge the patient not to eat anything that may aggravate the condition. This restricted diet, obviously, limits the use of various foods, especially acidic ones, and differs from person to person. You might have to give up on your favorite food because it can damage your stomach and may have to eat things you never liked. It all depends on your stomach and the extent to which it is damaged! 

If you are suffering from gastritis and making a “what to eat and what not to eat” chart, you’ve landed on the right page! We’ve often discussed various food options concerning the disease for guiding our valuable readers. Similarly, today we’re going to talk about avocados and whether they are good for gastritis or not. 

So, if you are confused about which column to place it in, keep reading! 

Can you eat avocados during gastritis?    

Avocados are delicious and nutritious superfoods blessed with an unparalleled taste and creamy texture making them a healthy culinary option for all of us. They are naturally loaded with healthy fats and fiber and are thus linked with various health advantages.  But does that mean you can eat them under all conditions and circumstances? Let’s find out. 

Avocados have a pH of around 6.4 which is very close to the neutral 7. Assuming an almost neutral or very very weekly acidic pH, avocados are considered safe for your gastric health even during conditions like gastritis or acid reflux.

However, it is always advised to carefully check how your body responds to a particular food item before including it in your diet plan. For this, you should eat less for a day and increase the amount slowly while observing the effect on your body.

How does avocado benefit the digestive tract?  

Besides pH, many other reasons make avocados a good choice for gastritis. Doctors and healthcare experts often consider avocados safe because it not only offers good nutrition but a variety of therapeutic properties also. 

For instance, it eradicates the multiplication of harmful bacteria like H.pylori and doesn’t stimulate the over-production of gastric acid. In this way, it prevents the lowering of pH inside the stomach which ultimately eases the inflammation of the lining.   

A few preliminary studies conducted by Mexican scientists suggest that avocados are genuinely antibacterial and can work well for harmful bacteria inside the body.

Some other benefits of the avocado include the following; 

  1. Avocados are rich in oleic acid which is a healthy fatty acid that reduces the level of bad cholesterol in your body. 
  2. Avocados are often linked with the healthy digestion of food. It is because it contains a lot of fibers and other nutrients like potassium which is likely to ease your digestive activities. 
  3. Since avocados are low in fructose, they are less likely to cause gas, bloating, constipation, and painful stools. 
  4. The antioxidant content of the fruit prevents toxins and slags and supports your immune system as well.
  5. Avocados are naturally free of allergens and thus can be easily used by people with food sensitivities.  

The best way to use avocados      

You must be aware of a few usage guidelines if you want to turn avocados into the most beneficial product.

  • You are only permitted to eat one avocado every day. This occurs as a result of the substantial amount of vegetable fats it contains. Your digestive system has a difficult time digesting them.
  • It is advised to take this product with foods like meat and vegetables so that the body may more easily absorb the acids that makeup it. The meat should be lean because the fruit contains lipids.
  • Before eating the fruit, peel and chop it. If you still have portions that are peeled or chopped, they must be refrigerated and eaten within 24 hours.
  • Also, the fruit bone contains some poisonous chemicals, therefore, it must be cut with the right trick. For example, cut it carefully into a circle, and then manually split it in half. After that, it is peeled.

You must know that avocados are only plucked when they are young. This is to prevent the fruit from degrading while being transported. Therefore, it is necessary to assess an avocado’s maturity before purchasing one. After all, only ripe fruit will yield the greatest advantage. 

To serve the purpose, you must consider the density and hue of the avocado. The surface will have a vivid dark green shade if the fruit is ripe. Also, the fruit should feel soft enough to squeeze without breaking.

Final Thoughts 

Avocados can be consumed fearlessly as long as they are consumed as a part of a rich, diverse, and balanced diet. They have numerous health advantages not only for the digestive system but for your overall well-being. 

With an almost neutral pH and antibacterial potential, it can be a part of your gastritis diet. However, make sure to consume the varieties with the lowest percentage of fat. Also, it is recommended to mix them with little less fatty dishes. Because it won’t cause your stomach to work a little extra for digestion and will be easy on its lining.