Are Blackberries High in Potassium?

There is an incredible number of fruits and vegetables considered suitable to integrate into a healthy and balanced diet. This is because most fruits have many nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.

Anyway, if you follow a low potassium diet, the fruits that may interest you the most are indeed the ones that are not rich in potassium. So, what about the potassium content of blackberries? Do blackberries contain potassium?

Are blackberries high in potassium? For a serving of 1 cup, the potassium content of blackberries equals 233.3mg, which means that 100g of blackberries contains 162 milligrams of potassium. Levels of potassium that make the blackberries enter the categories of foods with low amounts of potassium.

Potassium is an electrolyte, an essential mineral present in our body; its primary function is regulating the heartbeat and the good work of muscles. 

For people who are not suffering from any form of kidney disease, the recommended daily intake of potassium is 3,400mg per day. 

While people that suffer from kidney failure have to follow medical advice, and respect a particular dietary requirement that usually requires them to eat food with less potassium content

Are blackberries good for kidney disease?

Yes, blackberries, together with blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, are considered superfood mainly because they are low in calories and are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, and more importantly, they are low in potassium and sodium, making the blackberries a perfect fruit to be consumed by peoples that have kidney issues.

If you have kidney disease, you are at risk for high potassium because the kidneys don’t have the power to remove the extra potassium present in the blood. And the name of that condition is called hyperkalemia.

People suffering from hyperkalemia feel tired and experience cramps, muscle weakness, or irregular heartbeat. 

Anyway, it is important to consider that people suffering from chronic kidney disease are recommended to follow the guideline of a specialized person like a renal dietician.

Is blackberry juice high in potassium?

The potassium content of blackberry juice is 337.5 per cup, which means 135mg of potassium per 100g of it.

As we can notice, the potassium content of blackberry juice is slightly high, especially if we consume it in large quantities.

The disadvantages are not only referred to the potassium content; in fact, blackberry juice is high in sugar-juice, and drinking it in large quantities may have many adverse effects on your body. 

If you genuinely love blackberry juice, one of the solutions that you might adopt could be diluting it with water. By making it, you will still enjoy the taste, and at the same time, you will decrease the overall negative effect of it.

See also: Are Raspberries High In Potassium?

Are canned blackberries high in potassium?

The potassium content for a half-cup serving of canned blackberries is 127 mg.

Following a low-potassium diet or a kidney-friendly diet is not easy, especially because, depending on the types of foods you usually eat, most of the foods are very rich in minerals. 

Suppose your desire to consume blackberries or wild blackberries may not be satisfied because it is not the season of blackberries. In that case, you could still have the possibility to purchase the canned version of blackberries.

Canned blackberries don’t contain too much potassium; they are the perfect antioxidants supplements and have low potassium if you suffer from kidney issues.

Anyway, it is essential to carefully read the types of canned blackberries that you purchase because different brands may differ in the composition of nutrients and, most importantly, potassium levels.

Is ice cream blackberry high in potassium?

The potassium content for 100g of ice cream blackberry equals 103.5mg of potassium. That means that ice cream blackberry can be considered low potassium.

Especially in summer, there isn’t anything more satisfying than eating refreshing ice cream. But in case you are affected by chronic kidney disease, you should avoid elevate potassium, primarily to protect your kidney’s health.

Ice cream blackberry will not represent a threat to your kidney-friendly diet. Still, it is also essential to consider that ice cream usually contains a considerable amount of sugar, which may be harmful to your heart.

Final thoughts

Blackberries are an optimal fruit that contains a lot of benefits from our health; it is rich in fibers and antioxidants. Depending on the modality you prefer to consume, they can be too high in potassium. Still, the overall verdict is that the blueberries are not rich in potassium perfect to be consumed by people affected by kidney disease.