Are Cherries Acidic? (In-Depth)

Cherries are one of the most delicious and beloved fruit with many health benefits. The fruit is packed with many vitamins, minerals, and other benefits.

There are several varieties of cherries ranging from deep red to yellow. The darker the cherry, the more intense the flavor it will have. Traditionally, the cherries that we eat are sweet, while sour cherries are used for cooking or juicing. The cherry season lasted a few weeks in June and July, but now with farming like today, the season extends into September. All cherries are highly nutritious and are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Are Cherries Acidic

Are cherries an acidic fruit? Cherries are acidic food because their pH acidity is around 3 to 4. Not only cherry fruit, but cherry juice is also acidic and has the same effects. So, people who suffer from acidic Reflux should avoid eating and drinking cherries.  

However, the pH level of any food does not positively or negatively affect human health. But if you have a heartburn problem, then taking them in large quantities is not good. Because foods with a lower pH level can trigger acidic Reflux, any food containing acid in them can also lead to tooth decay.

How acidic is a cherry?

The pH level of any food tells us whether it is acidic or not. This pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, and the middle point is 7, which is considered neutral. Any food with a number under seven is acidic, whereas any food with a number above seven is generally regarded as alkaline or basic.

In general, most foods tend to be the most acidic food. Cherries with pH levels around 3 to 4 make them acidic foods.

Cherries are not much acidic fruit; they are usually considered to have the same acidity as apples.

The intensity of any fruit’s acidity depends on their measuring level on the pH scale – a lower pH means more acidic. Almost every fruit has a pH level under 7, so all fruits are considered to be slightly acidic in nature. But it is also a reality that all fruits are not as high in acid as others, including dates, figs, and coconut.

If you think that eating acidic fruits cannot harm you because of their lot of benefits, so you are WRONG. If you eat acidic food in large quantity, then it can lead to;

  • Tooth decay
  • Making your heartburn worse

But if you eat acidic foods in moderation, they will not harm you, and you can enjoy all of their benefits. Here one more thing that is important to note is that the acidity of any food cannot change the acidity of your blood. However, the pH level of any food can change the pH level of your urine.

Are cherries OK for acid Reflux?

If any of you have a disease called Acidic Reflux, you must avoid eating acidic food because it will be harmful to this condition and can trigger the symptoms. Cherries are full of nutrition and prove great for you as they are acidic, so you should reconsider before eating them if you have heartburn or acidic Reflux.

Eating too much cherries or drinking too much cherries juice can cause acidic Reflux. Sour cherries proved much worse than sweet cherries. Moreover, cherry juice can have more bad effects than eating whole fruit. 

Some people think that eating cherries with acid reflux is not so bad. While some people also believe that only sweet cherries are good with acidic Reflux; only sour or tart cherries elicit their symptoms.

Then there’s also the difference between raw and cooked fruit: some can eat cherries when they’re cooked, straight (boiled, jam, canned), but not raw.

The same is true for cherries and cherries juice. Eating fresh cherries can be tolerated with Acidic Reflux, but cherry juice is usually not. Even the store-bought juice should also be avoided that may also have additives such as citric acid, flavor-enhancing agents, or artificial coloring agents.

As always, the truth is somewhere in between. In other words, what may be suitable for some, doesn’t have to be suitable for everyone. This simply means that while some people can eat cherries with acidic Reflux and do so without the risk of side effects, others simply cannot eat them. While some can eat sweet and sour cherries, others can only eat sweet cherries. While some can drink a little juice every time if it’s fresh at home, some can’t touch it, or others risk losing all their success with acid reflux.

But all these possibilities depend on the how much acidic Reflux you have, and Different people have different heartburn triggers.

See also :

What acid is in cherries?

Sweet Cherries have malic acid in them and usually comprise 70 to 80 percent of total acidity. Quinic, citric, chlorogenic, and phosphoric acids are also present in sweet cherries. 

The sour taste of cherries is due to the presence of malic acid in them in greater amounts. Sour cherries also have less sugar than sweet cherries.

The malic acid in Cherries;

Cherries contain malic acid in large quantities, which is sour and acidic. It helps to clear away dead skin cells when it is applied to the skin. The sourness of cherries due to malic acid also helps make much more saliva that helps with dry mouth.

Malic is a safe element until it is taken in a moderate amount in foods. If you are taking it more regularly, then it can also trigger certain side effects, including headaches, nausea, irritations, and diarrhea.

Is cherry juice acidic?

Cherries juice is a popular and delicious drink and can also help in certain ailments. But you are wondering to know whether cherries juice is acidic or not, so the simple answer is YES! Cherry juice also has the same pH level as cherry fruit which is about 3 to 4.

Despite being acidic, cherry juice has many health benefits. Tart cherry juice helps to reduce inflammation and pain and boosts the immune system. So drinking tart juice for any of these ailments can be beneficial, but remember, you should drink it in moderate quantity.

Both cherries and juices are acidic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t drink them. In fact, small amounts of fruit juice can provide a variety of anti-inflammatory and other health benefits. Of course, sour cherry juice is always made without adding sugar and is the smartest choice.


What are the health benefits of Cherries and Cherry Juice?

Cherries and cherry juice prove great for human health because of contain many benefits. One cup of sweet cherries can provide you;

  • 2 grams Protein
  • 3 grams fiber
  • 25 grams crabs
  • 97 calories
  • 18% Vitamin C of Daily Use (DV)
  • 10% potassium of DV
  • 5% magnesium of DV
  • 5% manganese of DV

These nutrients, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and fiber, have many health benefits. Cherries are rich in fiber, which helps keep the digestive system healthy. 

Vitamin C, present in cherries, is essential to maintain your immune system and also skin health. At the same time, potassium is needed for muscle contraction, blood pressure regulation, nerve function, and other body processes.

Many studies revealed that anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds in cherries help to reduce muscle pain, damage, and inflammation.

Cherries are also very effective for an exercise involving trained athletes. Tart cherry juice is much more beneficial than sweet cherry juice, though both may aid athletes.

Cherries are rich in nutrients and compounds, including potassium and polyphenol antioxidants. Potassium intake is linked with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. All elements that are present in cherries are known to promote heart health. So they are also a tasty way to protect your heart health.

9 Side Effects of Eating Cherries

Researchers also found that antioxidants in tart cherries can reduce the pain and inflammation from osteoarthritis (OA). Drinking cherry juice for 21 days proves very beneficial for easing OA’s pain.

One of the other benefits of eating cherry is that it also reduces the pain felt due to swelling. But you should be careful while eating or drinking them as juices because a large quantity of them can also cause some bad effects.

Cherry consumption is also helpful for people who do not enjoy healthy sleep. Anti-inflammation properties of cherry fruit are joined with a dash of sleep-regulating melatonin, which helps you sleep better. According to the study held in 2020, tart cherry juice can give similar effects as insomnia medications like valerian or melatonin to older adults.

Taking cherries as plain fruit or drinking cherry juice is also very beneficial for adjusting the body’s metabolism and losing abdominal fat. Many studies have shown that red color cherries work great against the development of obesity. Cherries also lower the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Despite its lack of antioxidants and nutrients, cherry juice and cherry is delicious and refreshing food to enjoy. You should replace soft drinks and sports drinks with something that can make a difference to your health. One thing to consider while taking them in your diet is their quantity; if you take them in moderation, you can enjoy all their benefits.