Are Dates Acidic? (All You Need To Know)

Dates are often referred to as ‘fattening up’ because of their sugar content. But the fact is that they are not ‘boring’ dried fruits and have to be given much more important since they are incredibly healthy.

While dates are often ignored in the fruit departments of our supermarkets, the designation “bread of the desert” indicates that the fruit is highly regarded.

Dates are the fruits of the date palms, which have their origin in the Persian Gulf. Date palms have been cultivated in the Orient for thousands of years, today even in North Africa to Pakistan – above all in Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.

Dates have a very high sugar content of 55g per 100g. Therefore, although they are a good energy source, but should not be consumed in large quantities.

Are Dates Acidic

Are Dates Acidic? No, Dates are alkaline fruits with a pH range of 6.5 to 8.5, and dates have “infinite” health advantages. Dates are a popular fruit throughout the Middle East and neighboring regions. Dates are rich in vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, protein, and fiber.

Dates are also high in antioxidants like phenolic acid, carotenoids, and flavonoids. They have a high success rate in lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Dates have also been shown to be helping in supporting brain function.

Dates are high in minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, suitable for bone health. Dates have also been shown to help pregnant women in late-term labor. Dates are undoubtedly one of the best alkaline fruits, and they are available virtually all year.

How do dates taste?

The fruits of the date palms have a unique taste. They taste like caramel or honey. However, the taste also depends on the variety and degree of ripeness. The Medjool variety is considered the queen of dates. It tastes particularly like caramel and honey and has a highly tender pulp, which you also have to pay more expensive.

Because of their extreme sweetness, they are wonderfully suitable as natural sweeteners, which is why you also use them for people who eat sugar-free.

However, the date’s sugar is glucose and fructose, which, unlike isolated sugar, which is found in large quantities in industrial foods, is not unhealthy.

If consumed in smaller amounts, regular date consumption alone does not lead to weight gain alone.

Fresh or dried dates?

You can buy and eat dates both fresh and dried in supermarkets, however, you will mainly find dried fruits; this is because the fresh fruits are in season between September and January so that you will find them more around Christmas time.

Due to the moisture content, new dates must be kept refrigerated to prevent mold from growing. If you freeze the fruit, they will only half-freeze but will last longer.

For processing into dried fruits, the dates are only harvested half-ripe. Their natural, high sugar content preserves them so well that they can be kept for at least two years from the time of harvest.

See more Can You Eat Raw Dates?

Which Diseases Can Dates Prevent?

Dates are rich in antioxidants. Among other things, dates can lower the risk of cancer.

Antioxidants protect cells from free radicals, which can cause harmful reactions in the body and lead to disease. Here’s a quick rundown of the three most powerful antioxidants found in dates:

  • FLAVONOIDS can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. They can also reduce inflammation.
  • CAROTENOIDS help heart health and reduce the risk of developing an eye disease.
  • POLYPHENOLS have also been shown to inhibit inflammation and reduce the risk of developing specific cancer or heart disease types.

A high-fiber diet, supported by regular consumption of dates, reduces the risk of developing diabetes. The blood sugar level rises very slowly, and less insulin is released.

dates acid or alkaline

How Do The Nutrients In The Dates Support?

Dates also have other precious nutrients. They’re high in fiber, antioxidants, and minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins.

They can also be found to contain the amino acid tryptophan and carotenoids.

Let’s explain to you what these nutrients are good for.

TRYPTOPHAN forms melatonin, which calms the nerves and is of great importance for the sleep-wake cycle. That is why dates can help with minor sleep problems.

ANTIOXIDANTS protect against free radicals, which can prevent the risk of many diseases.

FIBER is perfect for the stomach and intestines. They allow the intestinal contents to be transported faster and can thus prevent constipation. They are also great for losing weight because dietary fibers fill you up quickly and for a long time. In addition, fiber controls the cholesterol level.

CAROTENOIDS such as ‘lutein’ and ‘zeaxanthin’ support the regeneration of the retina and enable your eyes to filter UV rays better. Beta-carotene is responsible for cell growth and controls the immune system.

MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM, AND PHOSPHORUS are also found in dates and are responsible for building your bones and teeth.

B VITAMINS are found in large quantities in dates. They are responsible for your metabolism and stimulate it.

POTASSIUM takes care of your body’s water balance and the functioning of muscles and nerve conduits. In addition, potassium has a vasodilating effect and regulates blood pressure.

A study by the Jordanian University of Science and Technology also shows that consuming dates during the last few weeks of pregnancy positively affects childbirth. In participants who ate dates every day from the 36th week of pregnancy, the cervix was more open, contractions were less spontaneous, and little oxytocin was needed to support labor.

How Can You Use Dates?

Dates taste delicious on their own, both fresh and dried. But you can also use them wonderfully. here are a few ideas at this point:

  • peppered with nuts, you can upgrade your snack quickly and easily
  • As a sugar substitute in smoothies, your muesli, or yogurt, they ensure natural sweetness without any industrial sugar.
  • You can buy date syrup ready-made and use it just like maple syrup, agave syrup, or honey.
  • As energy balls with nuts and coconut flakes, they provide an extra energy boost as a small snack.
  • They also taste sweet, juicy, and fruity in cakes or fruit bread
  • Dates wrapped in bacon or filled with cream cheese are perfect starters
  • So, you can see that dates are not only very healthy but can also be used in a different way in your kitchen.
  • Date-based energy balls are the perfect, healthy snack between meals. They are easy to prepare, portion, and add variety.

Can Dates Be Unhealthy Too?

Of course, there is also too much of a good thing. If consumed excessively, dates can quickly become dangerous from superfoods.

You should not exceed a daily ration of three to five fruits a day, as the high fiber content can otherwise have a laxative effect.

Don’t eat more than five dates a day. In addition, sweet dates have a high-calorie content, which is why excessive consumption can also be a trap here.

In the worst case, the dried fruits are still coated with industrial sugar or glucose syrup. Both are unnecessary, as the dates are inherently lovely.

But not only the sugar and fiber pose potential dangers. The dates are often treated with pesticides in the country of origin, particularly harmful to health.

You should take this problem seriously and choose either certified organic dates or fruits from controlled cultivation when buying.

Final Thoughts

Dates are incredibly versatile and have an even more versatile effect. They come up trumps with valuable micro-and macronutrients and can thus prevent or even overcome ailments and diseases. Fresh fruits have fewer calories but also contain less critical fiber. Plus, you can only buy them between September and January. Because they are one of the most basic foods, they can compensate for the acidic environment in our body that is created by industrial products.

However, you shouldn’t eat more than three to five dates a day because they have a very high calorie and sugar content and can have a laxative effect. When buying dates, you should also ensure that the fruits are not coated with sugar or glucose syrup, as they are naturally sweet enough. In addition, dates from organic or controlled cultivation are always recommended, as the sprays used in conventional cultivation can be harmful to health.