Are Plums Good For Acid Reflux? (Answered)

Summer is a time filled with sweet treats in the form of favorite seasonal fruits, but if you are affected by diseases like chronic heartburn or acid reflux, you may not be able to enjoy every summer fruit as much as everyone else. Plums are also a tempting fruit in summer that is also filled with a number of health benefits. They are a great summer snack and a great addition to many dishes such as pies, cakes, and roasted meats.

However, if you have ever eaten plums, you must be aware that they have a rather sour taste. So are they acidic? Is it OK to eat plums if you have acidic reflux?

Plums are acidic food and are considered bad for acidic reflux. Most doctors recommend avoiding this fruit if you have acid reflux or any other stomach issues. This is because the foods containing acid increase gastric acid production, causing the acid to go up to your esophagus, which triggers acidic reflux and heartburn. 

Plums are considered one of those summer fruits that it is not a good idea to eat if you have acidic reflux. People who experience the symptoms of acidic reflux regularly should avoid consuming plums and other foods that contain plums in any form, such as cakes, juices, and pies.

Our stomachs are naturally between one and four on a pH scale, which means there is already much of the acid present in them without any additional help. When you eat such food that is high in acidity, it increases the stomach’s acid level. However, it is always advised to avoid those foods that contain acid to avoid heartburn and acidic reflux.  

What is the acidic level of Plums?

Plums are acidic food with a pH level of 2.8 to 4.3; however, the pH level varies depending upon the plum variety. They are considered highly acidic fruits, which can be tasted since their sugar content doesn’t mask their acidity. Foods that have pH levels lower than 4.6 are generally considered acidic; that’s why plums are definitely the type of fruit that should be avoided by people struggling with acidic reflux, GERD, and heartburn. Even though plums are highly acidic, they are still very healthy.

Plums are also loaded with sugar, and most sugary foods contribute to excessive gastric acid production since our stomach needs more acid to digest sugar. Out of 8 grams of carbs, sugar makes up for 7 grams in plums, which makes this fruit highly sugary.

However, sugar alone is not bad for acidic reflux and does not trigger the symptoms. But the sugar found in fruits like plums and prunes can worsen the acid reflux symptoms. This is because the fructose mixed with the fruit’s acidity causes many stomach issues.

Which variety of plums is more acidic?

Just like other fruits and vegetables, plums also have different varieties, and each type has a different pH level. However, each type of plums is acidic, but blue plums are more acidic as compared to red plums. Blue plums have an acidic level ranging between 2.8 and 3.4, while the red plums have an acidic level of 3.6 to -4.3, making them less acidic than blue plums.

Red plums are more ripped than blue ones, decreasing their acidity level. However, both of these types should be avoided by people who experience symptoms of acidic reflux regularly.

Similarly, yellow plums have a sweeter taste with a pH level of around 4.8. This type is still considered acidic and is not suitable to eat if you have stomach issues. Nonetheless, no matter which type of plum you have, you should be careful to consume it with acidic reflux.

Are Prunes acidic?

Prunes are dried plums and have a pH level of 3.6 to 3.9, which is very similar to the pH level of fresh plums. Therefore, you should be careful to consume any type of plum, whether dried or fresh, to avoid acidic reflux. Moreover, dried plums have high sugar content, which causes higher production of gastric acid if you eat them.

Nonetheless, prunes are super beneficial for health and loaded with more nutrients and vitamins than fresh plums. For example, dried plums contain three times higher content of vitamin K than fresh plums. They are also more rich in vitamin B than fresh plums, which is good for cell growth and promotes blood cell production. Prune juice is also very healthy for digestion and also good for those people who have constipation.

Plums are very acidic fruit and also contain higher sugar levels. This combination makes them bad for people with severe GERD, acid reflux, or heartburn. However, not every person reacts the same after consuming acidic fruit, as some people with these conditions find plums tolerated, while in some people, it makes the acidic reflux condition even more severe.

So, if you are tolerated this fruit and digest it without facing any worse effects, it might be worth including a small portion of plums in your regular diet to enjoy its benefits.

Does prune juice cause acidic reflux?

Just like the fruit, prune juice also contains the same pH level, which can be bad for people with acidic reflux. The pH level of prune juice generally ranges between 3.95 and 3.97. This amount of acidity is not as low as lemon or orange juice, but it is still considered slightly acidic, which means it can trigger the symptoms of acidic reflux in some individuals.

However, every person’s reaction to a particular food can vary depending upon the lifestyle and biological factors. While in many people, prune juice can trigger the symptoms of acidic reflux, and in some people, it is easily digestible without worsening the symptoms. So if you feel acidic reflux after consuming the prune juice, eliminate it from your diet to see if your conditions improve.