Banana During Gastritis Diet (All You Need To Know)

Do you tend to develop gastritis, or have you, unfortunately, developed one, and you fear that a banana will make the situation worse? On the contrary, you wonder if this fruit can help you feel better? You are in the right place! Based on the extensive research conducted by scientists, this article has been written to clear this up for you.

In general, scientists and dieticians seem to agree in considering the banana as a very suitable fruit in case of gastritis – it would even seem that this food can help prevent the disease and contribute to its cure. Attention, this is not a cure, but bananas’ high fiber content and acidity make them a very interesting ally for someone suffering from gastritis.

Throughout this article, we will cover the issue in more depth, examining the benefits of bananas for gastritis. Don’t worry: our tips and remarks are based on reliable sources. And in any case, do not hesitate to consult a specialist for a medical diagnosis!

Gastritis And Your Eating Habits

The term “gastritis” refers to an inflammation of the stomach lining. It prevents said mucous membrane from creating this important enzyme called pepsin (which has nothing to do with soda). Consequently, the digestive system, more particularly the transit, is disturbed, and this can cause particularly painful symptoms on the one hand (burns, cramps, diarrhea, etc.) and poor assimilation of nutrients on the other.

A patient with gastritis is compelled to a particular diet. It may differ according to individuals and specialists, but certain foods are generally favored or prohibited. A wide range of studies has been conducted. It was concluded [1], for example, that fried food should be banned from the diet in case of the inflamed stomach mucosa. Alcohol is also prohibited, as are spicy dishes.  On the other hand, the banana is not one of the undesirable foodstuffs. On the contrary, it is rather indicated, which will interest us now.

Banana: A Good Fruit For Your Digestive System

Bananas are known to be high in fiber. These play a crucial role in maintaining the digestive system and contribute to its proper functioning.

Once gastritis has particularly developed, one obviously cannot guarantee an ultra-fast cure simply through fiber. On the other hand, provided you are reasonable about the quantities, it clearly can’t hurt. Our yellow foodstuff can even be very appropriate with a view to prevention.Also, by provoking a feeling of satiety, the banana can avoid the temptations leading to ingesting other dishes less suited to anti-gastric diets.

Let’s not be bitter towards the banana: it is not acidic!

The banana is a fruit that, unlike others, is not very acidic. When evaluating a subject’s acidity, it’s even considered “alkaline,” a term for the other side of the spectrum. According to a serious scientific study, it is necessary to avoid too acidic foods when suffering from gastritis.

This can not only cause excruciating pain but can also make the affliction worse. Thus, the following fruits (we give some examples) should be avoided:

  • The lemon
  • Oranges
  • Pineapples

While the fruits below (among others) are recommended :

  • Apples
  • The cherries and the banana, precisely!

Provided they are consumed in reasonable quantities; these fruit are not likely to dangerously increase the acidity level in your body.

We will even go further: bananas can help relieve pain! It will soothe the evil caused by the “circulation” of acids.

Bananas And The “brat” Diet

Under the acronym designating the BRAT diet, we find (in English, but we translate here) the ingredients: bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, and toast. In reality, this diet plan is no longer really popular.

It lacks a serious scientific basis as a whole, but it also proves to be very frustrating for consumers. That doesn’t mean it was all based on misinformation. Bananas had their place in this diet, specifically targeting problems related to the digestive system. Indeed, it is a particularly sweet and neutral fruit, just like tea, for example. It helps avoid irritation as much as possible and, therefore, the return or aggravation of symptoms related to gastritis.

Bananas And Hydration

Proper hydration can improve the “performance” of the digestive system and limit the risk of developing gastritis.

Through certain studies, scientists have proven that a banana can play an interesting role in the circulation of electrolytes; these minerals allow better transport of liquids in the body.

Therefore, eating it regularly (but not all the time, because observing a varied diet remains important) without forgetting to drink water can help prevent gastritis or limit its effects if it has already occurred.

How Eating A Banana Can Relieve Gastritis?

Here are some arguments that prove that bananas can have interesting effects on gastritis.

Bananas are light foods

You should know that the foods we eat are important to promote the advance or not of gastritis. Thus, it is recommended to adopt a light diet in this case, as this will reduce the digestive efforts to the maximum. Inflammation is therefore slowed down, and overall digestive comfort is improved. And we must admit that the banana is one of those light foods that can help relieve your stomach problem.

Bananas are fruits with a soft texture.

Among the principles to remedy gastritis, eating fruits, pulses, and fresh vegetables are recommended. And bananas as a fruit fit well with this principle. The texture of the food eaten is also very important for someone who suffers from this stomach problem. It is recommended, among other things, foods that do not contain irritating particles and have a soft texture like bananas.

The composition of bananas is ideal for a diet for gastritis

Aside from the general food recommendations for gastritis that bananas fit well with, these fruits also have specific effects on your stomach upset. They are particularly recommended because of their nutrient richness which facilitates digestion and suggests a laxative effect. Specifically, bananas are high in:

  • fibers;
  • Vitamins C, B6, and B9;
  • Potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

All of this has beneficial effects on the gastric condition. In addition, you could consume these fruits as much as you wish, and you will have no problem with your slimming (fat as muscle). Bananas are low in protein and fat. They, therefore, remain potentially neutral for your figure while they work wonders on your gastritis.

In addition, studies[2] have shown that bananas have enzymes that protect the stomach against gastric ulcers. In addition, they seem to have antibacterial properties and the ability to absorb the acidity of your stomach. Therefore, these fruits are an excellent way to prevent the aggravation of the health problem from which you suffer.

Advice On Bananas And Gastritis

If you suffer from gastritis, eating bananas is an excellent measure of nutrition that can help you. In this sense, it is recommended to eat three bananas a day. Be careful, however, that they are very ripe because bananas that are too green could aggravate your stomach problems.

In addition, you can eat these fruits in all their forms: smoothie, cooked or raw. Your health will still benefit from the same effects against gastritis.


The balance sheet seems quite easy to draw up: yes, the banana is a fruit quite indicated, even recommended in case of gastritis.

Let us recall the main reasons:

  • The banana is only very low in acid and can even regulate the acidity of the body. It is rich in fiber, which promotes the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Our exotic fruit is part of the old “BRATdiet, and even if it is no longer very fashionable, we can remember that it was chosen for its sweetness and neutrality once ingested.
  • The banana helps good hydration, thus showing itself likely to reduce the risk of gastritis or to calm the symptoms.

In short, everything seems to be pointing in the right direction! Do not hesitate to consult a specialist in case of complications, and remember to eat everything within the limits of the possibilities offered in the event of gastritis.

