Can You Eat Raw Shrimp? (Answered)

Shrimp is probably one of the most common famous types of shellfish present worldwide. Its amazing flavor and huge availability make the shrimp one of the most loved shellfish present.

Eat Raw Shrimp

The shrimp can be served in a variety of ways, for example in the form of salad, with pasta, grilled, baking in the oven, but one thing may be raising in your mind, as

Can you eat raw shrimp? Eating raw shrimp may raise the risk of food poisoning since it may contain harmful bacteria and viruses, causing severe damage to your health.

Is eating raw shrimp bad for you?

Yes, since with a high possibility shrimps contain various bacteria, more precisely one called Vibrio, that may cause you severe stomach pain.

With the increasing popularity of sushi restaurants, we are getting more familiar with eating fish raw. Still, it is always good practice to consider all the risks that are associated before jumping on eating it.

If you truly love shrimp and would like to try shrimp raw, you have to make sure that the restaurant where you are trying it, it is specializes in serving raw fish and that all the possible bacteria present on the shrimp was eliminated or checked in some way.

Anyway, considering the possibility of eliminating the bacteria present on the shrimp with high accuracy, we can say that it is almost impossible to be 100% sure about the safety of eating shrimp raw. It will always be a threat to your health.

See also : How To Tell If Shrimp Is Bad?

Can you eat raw shrimp with lemon? 

Eating raw shrimp with lemon will not eliminate the poisoning of the shellfish, it will only give a more flavor to the fish.

It is true that as soon as we think of a dish of fish, with a high probability, we immediately imagine a slice of lemon.

But, if you eat raw shrimp, it will not eliminate the risk associated with them. Instead, as for other types of fish, it will be helpful for digestive action by eliminating the proteins present on the shellfish.

Other beneficial factors associated with the lemon are they eliminate the strong taste of fish that may hurt the overall composition of the dish in some situations.

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Can you eat raw shrimp from the grocery store?

No, eating raw shrimp that was just bought at the grocery store will not eliminate the risk associated with eating raw shrimp since it may contain bacteria and viruses as for the fresh shrimp.

If, for some reason, you were thinking about solving the problem of eating raw shrimp by buying them from the grocery store, you are wrong.

If you want to buy shrimp from a grocery store, you have to make sure that you cook them in the best way possible to eliminate the possible bacteria and viruses present on that type of shellfish.

Never try to eat raw shrimp bought at the grocery store since it may not be coming from reputable places and causing you several damages to your health.

Can you eat raw shrimp in sushi?

Eating raw fish in sushi may be a common practice. Still, it is not always the case since some types of fish like shrimp, in the majority of the cases, are served slightly cooked by steam to reduce the risk of contamination of bacteria and viruses.

The most reputable sushi restaurant will not serve you raw shrimp since they contain different bacteria and viruses if not cooked properly.

There are some rare cases, especially in Asia, where shrimps are served raw by adding spices to increase the overall taste of the raw shrimp.

In most cases, the shrimp that you can see on the sushi dishes are made by slightly cooking and eaten with steam, and they will not be ever presented in the form of sashimi as for the tuna.

Important information to know about shrimp in raw

If your desire to try new tastes doesn’t have limits, and you want to try the shrimp raw truly, you have to consider some simple rules.

The first thing to consider is the source where you will buy the shrimp. It is highly advisable not to purchase the shrimp from the general market if you intend to make it raw.

This is because it may be containing various bacteria.

Instead, if you wish to prepare it at home, try to find some good and reputable store or buy it directly from the Fishermans present in your city.

If you have ordered sashimi in the restaurant and have shrimp in it too, check if the restaurant has the license of preparing and serving it by looking for, or asking to show the FEHD license.

Once you get served raw shrimp in raw, before eating it, check its general color of it, and most importantly, its temperature. Raw fish must be served cold, and if you notice that the temperature of the raw fish is hot, you should stop eating it, because the hot temperature may cause the raising of bacteria inside the fish.

Please notice that the temperature at which the raw shrimp and all the other types of fish are generally stored averages between -20℃ for 7 days or -35℃ for 24 hours. ( This is generally done to kill the raising of bacterias inside the fish).

Final thoughts

Eating raw shrimp may be a risky operation since, in the majority of the cases, shrimp contain various types of bacteria. The safest route to take is cooking; they will always have an amazing taste, and depending on how you decide to cook it, they will always maintain their flavor and uniqueness.