Can You Eat Red Potato Skin? (Is It Safe?)

Red potato skin is always part of the sweet potato family, and they share almost the same benefits as the other types of the yam family. Eating red sweet potatoes will give you many health benefits, for example, helping you fight tiredness and anemia.

There are various red potatoes, but the most famous one is the Japanese variety. If you found out that typology in the grocery store, I can imagine that you would be curious to know more about the way of eating and all the benefits associated with them.

Can you eat red potato skin? Yes, you can quietly consume the red potato with the whole skin. By making it, you will increase the overall taste of the red potato, and you assume more nutritions.

You can prepare red potato in whatever way you prefer without worrying about peeling the potato.

If you are curious to know all the benefits and how to cook red potatoes with the skin, keep reading because, in the next part of the article, we will see a lot of exciting stuff.

Can You Eat Red potato Skin

Reason Why You Shuold Not Peel the red potato skin

The increase in the taste is not the only reason you should start to consume red potato skin, as there are many other benefits associated with them.

You have to know that the majority of the nutrients are found in the skin and the sweet potato skin.

The red potato is rich in fiber, vitamins, iron, and potassium, and half of the fiber comes from its skin. Anyway, another important consideration is that the skin of the red potato is thin, so it is challenging that you might find it not pleasant for your taste.

If you are following a particular diet, in which the sweet potato is present, you can stay quiet and don’t peel the red potato skin because it will only increase the intake of fiber compared to a peeled sweet red potato.

Should I peel my red potatoes before cooking?

The way of cooking and the flavor varies from person to person, some dishes may be more plausible than others, and the same is applied for vegetables. 

There isn’t a special rule that dictates that you should peel the red potatoes before cooking; since it is not poisonous for humans, you are entirely free to choose what to do by simply guiding your feelings.

If you decide to keep the skin of the red potatoes, there is an important step that you have to follow always with particular attention. 

Before preparing it, ensure that a proper washing on the outside part of the red potatoes has been applied. This is mainly done to remove the dirty part that might be present during the purchasing phase of the red potatoes.

After ensuring that the outside of the red potato is not dirty, you can quietly start to cook it as you like without worrying about getting some infections or food poisoning from it.

Do you peel red potatoes before boiling?

The most traditional way of preparing potatoes is boiling them. For many people following a specific diet, boiling and preparing the red potatoes is infinite happiness.

But if you are new to preparing red potatoes, you might be wondering if you need to peel them before boiling them or not?

Not necessary, since most of the fiber is allocated on the skin of the red potatoes, you will get only an advantage if you decide not to peel them before boiling.

Anyway, if from one side it is true that eating red potatoes with skin is safe, it is also essential to know that a not proper washing of the outer part of the skin may cause food poisoning. For that reason, be sure that you have washed the outside of the red potatoes before starting to boil them.

How to prepare red potato skin?

If you want to stay away from the classic method of preparing the red potatoes, we will take a look at all the different possibilities you might have.

Undoubtedly one of the best ways to use red potatoes is by roasting them. It is simple and will not require you much time, and most importantly, you can use the skin of the red potato to prepare them.

The procedure for cooking delicious red potato skin are the following:

  • Reheat the oven to 200 C
  • Wash the red potato properly
  • Slice the red potatoes as you like
  • Insert the salt and the garlic ( if you like)
  • Insert everything in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes.

As you notice, this is the simplest of the recipes, and with high probability, you have already experimented by backing other potatoes.

Others simply and fast methods for preparing the red potatoes, involving their mashing. And by doing it, you can leave the skin without worrying as it will not cause any problem or massive alteration on the overall flavor.


In this article, we had the opportunity to tell you that it is entirely safe consuming the skin of the red potatoes and that by doing it, the only thing that you should take proper care of is that the outer part of the potatoes is clean and doesn’t show any signs of dirtiness.