Can I Drink Coconut Water With Gastritis? 

Gastritis is a painful condition often characterized by inflammation of the stomach. It is usually an outcome of the H.pylori infection but some other causes may include excessive use of medicines, alcohol, consuming acidic foods, etc.  

Gastritis can be either acute or chronic. The former usually resolves on its own with a little care, whereas, the latter needs proper treatment. In any case, the patient is advised to be very careful in whatever they eat as it can aggravate the condition and may lead to severe ulcers and sometimes cancer. 

We’ve already reviewed a lot of food items with respect to gastritis (See: Cinnamon and Gastritis) and today coconut water is under discussion. This article explores if it is good for the condition or not. If you have similar doubts, keep reading! 

What is coconut water? 

If anyone of you doesn’t know, coconut water is the liquid found in the center of young coconuts. This clear liquid is usually very popular among tropical countries and has a variety of health advantages. 

Coconut water is naturally rich in electrolytes which makes it a good choice for regulating your body fluids and rehydrating after a workout session or when you are exposed to high temperatures. It is considered a very healthy alternative to high-sugar sports drinks and soda water because it is low-fat, added with no sugar, and offers minimum-to-no calories. 

Besides all this, coconut water comes with a lot of vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. So, the next time you are looking for a refreshing but healthy drink to sip, feel free to go for coconut water!   

Coconut water and gastritis (Can I drink it?)

Well, you’ll be happy to know that research builds a positive link between coconut water and gastritis. To put it simply, coconut water is absolutely safe for gastritis, provided that you consume it moderately. 

The pH of coconut water lies around 4.8-5.2 which is slightly acidic. Thus, moderate consumption won’t do any harm. However, if you are still concerned you can consume it by diluting it with water. It will neutralize the acidic effect and minimize the risk of any anticipated damage. However, excessive consumption might be harmful as it is likely to irritate your stomach walls and linings. 

Secondly, coconut water is rich in antioxidants. It prevents your body from entering into a state of oxidative stress and thus eases the symptoms of gastritis. How? Let’s find out. 

Whenever, your body parts or organs undergo stress or an injury, as your stomach goes during gastritis, free radicals are produced as a result of metabolic reactions. These free radicals are unstable molecules that when accumulated in the body trigger oxidative stress. It can damage your healthy cells and cause severe inflammation. 

The antioxidant potential of the beverage helps to neutralize the free radicals, reduce inflammation, and thus soothe your stomach lining. Also, being a natural diuretic, it flushes out toxins that might aggravate the symptoms of gastritis.

Some other digestive benefits of coconut water              

Coconut water is good for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This illness causes burning pain in the chest or throat when stomach acids rush back to the esophagus. Another name for this ailment is acid reflux. 

A hiatal hernia, consuming large meals, and reclining down right after eating are a few factors that can cause acid reflux. Due to its ability to neutralize stomach acids and support good digestion, coconut water can help to reduce some acid reflux symptoms like heartburn and indigestion.

The fiber in coconut water can also encourage regular bowel movements and ease constipation which is another potential stimulant for acid reflux. Also, it can potentially neutralize stomach acids and prevent the mucosa from erosion.

Is there any harmful effect of drinking coconut water?

Yes, there are some harmful effects of having coconut water, but all of them are linked with excessive beverage usage. Moderate consumption doesn’t do any harm.

Coconut water is frequently blamed for bloating. It is a sensation of pudginess and stiffness in the abdomen which is usually an outcome of gas or fluid retention. 

Because it is often heavy in potassium, coconut water can cause bloating if taken in bigger quantities. Additionally, as it is a natural diuretic, it can aid in the removal of water from the body, which can result in dehydration.

So, if you have bloating, drinking coconut water in large amounts can disrupt your digestive system and make it worse. Thus, it’s crucial to consume it in moderation and to pay attention to your body to determine whether it’s causing discomfort.

What is the best time to drink coconut water?

This healthful and revitalizing beverage is perfect for any time of day. However, drinking it in the morning is recommended for both weight loss and energy purposes.

When taken in the morning, it can help replenish your body’s fluids and give you more energy to start the day. Additionally, because it is a low-calorie beverage, it is a perfect morning drink for people trying to lose weight or keep their weight within a healthy range.

You can consume it as it is or in the form of juices, shakes, etc. The choice is all yours! 

Wrap up 

The symptoms of gastritis can be relieved naturally and effectively with coconut water. It is rich in minerals, including electrolytes, which can rejuvenate your body and calm stomach discomfort. Moreover, the coconut water’s inherent sweetness might soothe an upset stomach. 

However, it is recommended to consult your doctor or a trained nutritionist for advice on the best coconut water for you. They can guide you better based on the extent of your disease and the severity of the symptoms. And always consume it in a safe quantity!