Do Strawberries Cause Diarrhea? (Answered)

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries all around the world. They are a rich source of fiber and antioxidants that helps to keep your tummy healthy. But have you ever heard that strawberries cause diarrhea? Is it really true?

Yes, it is, as strawberries contain high sugar content, which makes them causes diarrhea. But it doesn’t mean to cut them out from your diet as they have many healthy nutrients that are essential for your body. So consuming them in moderation is not a problem, and you can enjoy their benefits. 

No doubt, diarrhea is a condition that no one wants to deal with and can really screw up your whole day! It causes liquidy bowel movement as well as fever, bloating, nausea, and stomach pain.

Strawberries are delicious and healthy fruit, and avoiding them is seriously not a good option. So enjoy them in moderation and take all their benefits. And if you are suffering from constipation and looking for some relief, then consuming them is really a good option.  

Do strawberries make you poop?

Foods that are high in sugar can cause diarrhea. When people eat high-sugar food, water enters their intestines and causes loose stool. Strawberries are also a sugary but healthy and delicious snack. They contain many essential nutrients, including manganese, potassium, and folate.

It is also a good source of fiber, which increases the bulk of your stool. It helps the food to move smoothly through the digestive system as well as it also promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut for optimal digestion.

This quality of strawberries is very helpful for people who have constipation as it helps to move out the food from the body smoothly. You can eat them plain, top them on oatmeal for breakfast, or even eat them with a bowl of yogurt.

See also : do cherries make you poop?

Can strawberries make you sick?

Biting strawberry is a delightful experience, but you might suffer from different symptoms if you are allergic to them. It may feel a strange feeling in your mouth, rashes on your body, and even a severe reaction like anaphylaxis after eating strawberries.[1]

As strawberries contain fiber, and if your body is not used to fibrous food, then eating them in excess can create problems. It may cause heartburn, bloating, and reflux. Moreover, strawberries also contain some amount of histamine, which causes dizziness, itching, and nausea. So if you have a fruit allergy, avoid consuming strawberries.

Are strawberries good for stomach ulcers?

Strawberries are rich antioxidant and fibrous food that is considered good for your tummy health. An experiment was conducted on animals that revealed that strawberries are good for your stomach. A recent study[2] on the benefits of strawberries has exclaimed that strawberries contain antioxidant properties that act as a protective barrier to stomach ulcers.

Strawberries also contain salicylates – acid used in medicines for eczema, acne, and skin problems. It also helps to reduce fever and relieve pain from arthritis. However, like all other foods eating strawberries in excess is not a healthy option as it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and headaches.

Does strawberry cause allergy?

Yes, strawberry allergy is not much common, but it exists! If you feel an allergy after consuming this fruit, it simply means that your immune system reacts badly to the protein present in strawberries. Eating them in moderation doesn’t cause any bad effects, but if you eat them in excess, the symptoms will begin immediately after eating them.

The most common symptoms include itches, rashes, swelling, and sometimes vomiting. Nonetheless, it is important to note that these symptoms are not dangerous and will end after a few hours.

However, heating them can distort the protein present in them, so if you suffer from strawberry allergy, then cooked strawberries may be a good option. If you suspect that you have a strawberry allergy, then consult your doctor, who might recommend some test for confirmation.

What should be avoided if you have diarrhea?

Diarrhea is an unappealing condition that can be caused due to certain foods. However, if you have been suffering from diarrhea, it is very important to know what you should eat and avoid. Here are some foods recommendations that you should exclude from your diet when you have diarrhea.

Dairy products: dairy products are usually hard to digest if you are suffering from diarrhea. All dairy products contain lactose, which is digested by an enzyme called lactase. Diarrhea can lessen the lactase amount in your body. Undigested lactose causes bloating, vomiting, gas and nausea. Common dairy products containing lactose include; Milk, Cheese, Cream, and Ice cream

Fatty foods: fatty foods speed up your intestinal contractions that can make your diarrhea even worsen. So avoid fatty foods like; fried foods, greasy foods, fast food, and creamy foods.

Gas producing foods: many vegetables and fruits are known to cause gas, which can make your diarrhea even bitter. So avoid all the gassy food until your stomach comes to normal condition. Some foods that cause gas includes; onions, cabbage, broccoli, beans, pears, plums, peaches, and dried fruits.

Alcohol and caffeinated beverages: alcohol and caffeinated drinks do not cause diarrhea, but they can irritate your digestive system. So if you desire to treat your diarrhea quicker, avoid them.

Diarrhea usually covers up within a few days without medication, but you can still make it more comfortable by eliminating all such foods that can make it worsen. However, if diarrhea lasts for more than few days, then you must consult your doctor and take medical attention.     

