How Long Does Avocado Last? (With Pictures)

The increase in the popularity of avocado has exponentially gained the attention of all the people. It is almost impossible to scroll our Instagram feeds and not look at pictures or reels that show how to prepare delicious dishes with avocado.

But as for other types of fruits, it is important to know some basic information, in order not to lose all the money that you spent to purchase it, and to try to make it last for as long a time as possible.

How Long Does Avocado Last

For that reason, in the article, we will see all you need to know about the conservation of avocado, understanding the time frame of storing it, and when it has become too late to eat because it has become bad.

How long does avocado last? Unripe avocado at room temperature will last 3 to 5 days, ripe avocado 2-4 days. If you decide to store the avocado unopened in the fridge, it will last for 1 week.

But, I can imagine that the answer given may let you with some doubt. You would like to know more about the lasting period of avocado and how to make avocado last longer; if this is true, keep reading because, in the next part of the article, we will see these and much more.

How long does avocado last in the fridge?

As soon as we think about storing some fruit, the fridge’s first place that come to ours mind. We store anything in the fridge, but is it the case of keeping the avocado as well?

Yes, we can store avocado in the fridge, and depending on its condition, it may last for 3 days until more than 1 week.

The main differences that make the avocado last longer or less than in the fridge are made by its general conditions of it.

It will depend if the avocado is ripe or unripe, cut or uncut.

  1. A ripe avocado in the fridge lasts 3-5 days.
  2. An unripe avocado in the fridge last more than 1 week
  3. A cut avocado can last a maximum of 3 days

Generally, these are the timing of lasting for the avocado; of course, they can vary depending on the fridge’s temperature and if the avocado is ripe or unripe.

How long does avocado last after cut?

It is almost impossible to resist the temptation of not eating the avocado after purchasing it. For that reason, most of us will cut it as soon as it arrives at home to prepare some delicious dishes.

Be aware that cutting the avocado will reduce the lasting timing; in fact, consider that a cut avocado at room temperature can last for 2 days maximum, before showing the first signs of color-changing, passing from vivid color to a dark brown.

You can try to extend the period of avocado after being cut by adding some splash of lemon juice; in that way, you could gain some hours or days.

How long does avocado last in the freezer?

If the above conditions are not what you are looking for, the last option you have is storing it in the freezer.

For some people it may seem strange to store avocado in the freezer,  but you have to know that it will make lasting longer.

The whole Avocado store in the freezer will last for at least 6-8 months, while opened avocado can last for 4-6 months.

The freezer has the propriety of blocking the ripe process of the fruit, but anyway, it is important always to look because the fruits may start the first signs of deterioration before the timing frame that was just given.

For a perfect storage of avocado in the freezer, you can cut the avocado into small pieces and insert it into a plastic bag.

That way, as soon as you need avocado to prepare some sandwiches, you can defrost them and utilize them to create a more flavorful taste for your sandwich without worrying about purchasing a new one.

AVOCADO LAST-infographic

How long does avocado last in a salad?

One of the most famous dishes prepared with avocado is the salad. Over the avocado benefits, it will be translated into a fantastic taste and flavor explosion.

Sometimes, due to our rushing and frenetic life, we usually prepare dishes that can also be consumed after some time.

This is the salad case. If you insert avocado in salad and then store it in the fridge, it can last approximately for 2 days before starting smelling bad.

Depending on the ingredients that you had inserted in the salad, you might use the lemon juice for longer conservation, but keep in mind that it might alter the general taste of the salad by making it disgusting to eat.

How long does avocado last once mashed ?

Avocado once mashed will last less than the whole avocado; in fact, you can expect a maximum time of 1-2 days.

Suppose you were preparing your amazing sandwich or salad with avocado, and you notice that the quantity is too extensive. In that case, I can imagine how you feel by looking at all the amount of avocado mashed leftover.

The lasting period of mashed avocado is undoubtedly less than other types of avocado, and there isn’t too much to do to extend that time frame.

The only thing you can do is store it properly, if possible, inside a container or by placing it on a plate covered by cellophane.

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How long does avocado last in a sandwich?

The avocado sandwich will last 1-2 days at room temperature and 4 days maximum if you store it in the fridge.

The most famous preparation of avocado is by placing it into a sandwich. 

If you have leftover the sandwich, you can always store it and eat later, by being careful about the timing, because if you forget it for some more days in the fridge, you can not do anything different than throw it in the garbage.

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How do you know when an avocado has gone bad?

The best way to see if an avocado has gone bad is by inspecting it, starting from the outside color that should be dark green, then you should gently press the outer part of it, and if by doing this you let some signs it means that it is starting to go bad.

Simply following that step, you will be sure that you will not purchase an avocado that has already gone bad.

Anyway, if you have already purchased it and you forget it, the best way to check the quality is by cutting it.

By cutting it in half, you may notice the condition of the avocado just by looking at the color.

The color of a good avocado should be light green, while if it is already changing to a brown, you can already say that it is already gone bad.

What happens if I eat avocado go bad?

Eating avocado that has gone bad that present an inside color brown will not give you any food poisoning if you eat in small quantities. In the worst case, if you consume a large amount of avocado, you can get some diarrhea and stomach pain.

Of course, it all will depend upon the grade of the badness of the avocado. If you eat an avocado that has been in the fridge or at room temperature for months, you will surely get stomach pain, and you will increase the risk of getting diarrhea.

The best thing that you can do is evaluate how bad the avocado has gone, and if it is in the initial stage, you can always try it in small quantities and completely eat or use it to prepare some sandwich by mixing with other ingredients.

This process will decrease the overall taste of the avocado and will permit you to eat it. See more : 8 Side Effects and Contraindications of Avocado

How do you make avocados last longer?

Best strategies for managing avocado to last longer include: insert the avocado inside a container and cover it adequately, keep it away from the source of heat, splash lemon juice in the inside part to slow down the ripeness process.

If you just bought an avocado and you think that you will consume it in the following hours, be sure that you will keep it away from heat sources since the heat will speed up the process of ripeness.

Another common strategy used for making the avocado last longer is covering the slice of avocado with cellophane and then inserting it all inside a container by storing everything in the fridge.

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Avocado is a tropical fruit that may be used to prepare many dishes. To get the best of it, you have to store it properly and consume it at the right time. I hope that you now have a better overview of how long an avocado can last with this article.