Is Aloe Vera Good for Acid Reflux? (Answered)

Acid reflux can make you uncomfortable as it causes pain and burning in the chest and abdomen. When a person is experiencing acid reflux symptoms, their stomach acids move up their esophagus.

These stomach acids are potent because they are designed to digest food as it moves through our digestive system. When the esophagus walls regularly contact acid, they can become burned, and scar tissue can begin to form.

There are many reasons for acidity like smoking, overeating, stress, obesity, spicy food, etc.

Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that has many benefits for diseases of the body. It is used to treat many skin diseases, viral diseases, and other severe conditions.

But is aloe vera good for acid reflux?. In this article we’ve provided a detailed answer to this question and some related questions.

Is Aloe Vera Good for Acid Reflux?

Aloe vera, when taken orally, can be an effective way of relieving symptoms of acid reflux. The use of aloe vera for heartburn has been scientifically proven: the Heidelberg gastric acid test has shown that aloe vera can inhibit the production of gastric acid, which is the cause of heartburn.

Aloe vera can also work in the stomach, and on the skin, like a soothing balm that promotes healing. This may be another reason why aloe vera helps with acid reflux: It can help heal the loose flap on the esophagus that allows painful acids to escape from the stomach and cause reflux.

How Do You Use Aloe Vera for Acid Reflux?

Many different methods can treat acid reflux, including home remedies and over-the-counter treatments. Many people choose to implement home remedies to avoid the side effects that the medications can cause.

Aloe vera is an easy and effective way to soothe and heal burns. The best way to treat acid reflux with aloe vera is by drinking some of its juice daily. If you don’t like the taste, try mixing it with some grape or apple juice or any other kind of juice that is non-acidic.

Aloe vera gel is found when you break open the leaves. It is widely used as a home remedy for minor scrapes and burns.

Some people believe that the juice of the aloe vera plant has a similar soothing effect for people with acid reflux. Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is therefore often used to treat sunburn or other minor irritations.

Furthermore, aloe vera juice is packed with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Therefore, the juice is said to detoxify the body when taken internally. It can stimulate digestion and remove waste products.

Does Aloe Vera Increase Stomach Acid?

The aloe vera plant is a wonderful companion during a period like this to optimally support the elimination of excess acid or metabolic waste products and  initiate the restoration of the acid-base balance.

Because aloe vera provides the body with bases, thus helps it to deacidify. And not only that, the plant contains an unbelievable amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids.

It, therefore, makes sense to supplement a base week with aloe vera. You can also drink 30ml of natural aloe vera juice in the morning, at noon, and in the evening and eat an alkaline diet for a week.

Is Aloe Vera Juice Acidic or Alkaline?

Aloe vera juice is one of the alkaline foods, namely those with alkaline levels. So when consuming it by way of juice, aloe vera can help alkalize our body or balance the acidity of the food we consume.

The ideal way to consume it is to remove the skin thoroughly, then soak the aloe vera pulp in water so that the mucus disappears so that when chewed, it is not bitter.

See also: Is Green Tea Good For Acid Reflux?

Aloe Vera Juice for Acid Reflux

When taking aloe vera to treat acid reflux, people can drink it in juice or liquid gelcap form. Aloe vera juice is made from the natural gel that aloe vera leaves contain.

The juice mustn’t contain latex, which aloe vera leaves have, as it is a powerful laxative. The gel is extracted from the plant and can then be taken or mixed with water or other juice.

Many find the taste of aloe vera too bitter on its own, so they prefer to mix it with something savory. Once you understand the process, you can make aloe vera juice for acid reflux at home, but it may be easier to buy it at a local health food store.

When to Take Aloe Vera Juice for Acid Reflux

You can take it in the morning, about 15 minutes before eating. You can continue to take it daily to reduce acid reflux symptoms. You should start to feel relief after a few days, but most times, you may need to wait up to two weeks to feel the effects. The juice can be consumed every morning on an empty stomach.

How to Make Aloe Vera Juice for Acid Reflux

Aloe vera has calming properties that help calm the esophagus and stomach inflammation, reducing pain and burning caused by reflux, and is also useful in treating gastritis.

To prepare this juice at home, you should wash and dry the aloe leaves well. Then, cut the base of the leaf and let the plant rest in an upright position so that the latex, the yellow and toxic part present in the leaf, drains off.

Then cut the sides of the sheet lengthwise. Afterward, lay down the leaf and carefully lift the bark on one side to avoid contaminating the gel with the latex that may still be in the plant.

To remove the gel from the leaf, you can use a blunt object or a spoon, discarding any green or yellow parts present in the gel. Then, just put 1/2 chopped apple and the aloe vera gel in the blender, in a proportion of 100 g of gel to 1 liter of water. Then the juice is ready.


When you drink aloe vera juice, your esophagus will feel a great improvement, in addition to calming your stomach. Therefore, it is good to continue drinking Aloe Vera juice even after the heartburn symptoms have subsided. Most people have damage to their esophagus that needs to heal, and following a regular aloe vera juice treatment can help your entire digestive system heal.