Is Aloe Vera Good For Gastritis?

Gastritis occurs when the internal lining of your stomach gets inflamed or swells up due to certain reasons. This inner lining is called mucosa and it has glands that produce gastric acid and enzymes for the digestion of food. 

The mucosa is naturally covered with a thick layer of mucus which protects the stomach walls from the acid produced inside. Due to inflammation or swelling, the mucosa erodes and the cells or tissues are exposed to the acid and juices produced within the stomach. As a result, the organ gets damaged and its function is compromised. 

Gastritis can be acute and chronic as well. In the case of acute gastritis, the situation develops suddenly and the symptoms usually ease within a short span. However, chronic gastritis develops slowly and requires proper medical attention because it can progress into stomach ulcers and even cancer.  

The treatment usually depends on the specific cause. For instance, if gastritis is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics can be used. If it is due to some medicines or alcohol, you must discontinue them at once. 

There are many herbal supplements that can help you ease the symptoms as well. Herbal treatment usually comes with minimal or no side effects. Well, one such herb found very effective against gastritis is Aloe vera. Yes, you read it right! Among the numerous health benefits it provides, helping with gastritis is one of the most important ones. 

If you want to know how aloe vera is good for gastritis, here we’ve got you all the details.   

Benefits of Aloe vera for gastritis

Aloe vera is naturally blessed with such characteristics and properties that help it to ease the possible causes of gastritis. For instance, it is anti-inflammatory and works to reduce the inflammation of the stomach lining. Moreover, its antioxidant potential helps it reduce the oxidative stress caused by the free radicals in the body.

Also, the antimicrobial properties of the plant help it eradicate harmful bacteria or microbes promoting various corporal diseases. Finally, it has gastro-protective and hydrating properties that make it a potent complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for the condition.    

Let’s dig into some deeper details of each benefit mentioned above. 

1) Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory 

When the stomach is infected by H.pylori, which is the causative agent of gastritis, prostaglandins are released in response. They alert the immune system to begin healing or fighting off these germs. This is when inflammation begins.

Aloe vera is reportedly found effective in reducing inflammation in numerous research trials. It is because Aloe vera suppresses the prostaglandin-producing cyclooxygenase pathway.

There are no negative side effects associated with aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, in addition to lowering inflammation, it safeguards the gastric mucosa by promoting mucus production, mending the mucosa, and averting the development of stomach ulcers that may result from inflammation.

Aloe vera is a rich source of hormones like auxins and gibberellins, sterols, polysaccharides, and anti-inflammatory substances like C-glucosyl chromone. Also, the substance bradykinin, which causes inflammation, is broken down by the enzyme bradykinesia in aloe vera.

So, it won’t be wrong to say that Aloe vera can be a benign protectant against gastritis. 

2) Aloe vera is a natural antioxidant  

Gastritis can also result from long-term usage of NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

When NSAIDs are administered, neutrophils—a type of immune cell—are released and cause damage to the stomach lining by creating oxygen-free radicals. Extracts from aloe vera gel reduce neutrophil migration.

Oxidative stress is brought on by a high level of free radicals because the body’s antioxidants are unable to neutralize them. Aloe vera lessens this oxidative stress so that stomach damage can be avoided at max.

3) Aloe vera is gastroprotective and healing

Sometimes, gastroenteritis causes the mucosal lining of the stomach to erode. As a result, the stomach tissues are vulnerable to acidic digestion injury.

These tissues support digestion and the release of enzymes. To restore functionality, they must be fixed quickly.

Aloe vera aids in the recovery of biological tissues because it is a natural healer. It has an anti-secretory effect against gastric acid and guards against damage to the stomach lining.

4) Aloe vera is a potent antimicrobial agent

Infection with various bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other parasites is a common cause of gastroenteritis. Helicobacter pylori are one of the most prevalent bacteria that causes gastritis.

Aloe vera’s flavonoids, quinones, and phenols have demonstrated anti-H. pylori action.

According to a recent study, Aloe vera can be used in conjunction with antibiotics to treat gastrointestinal infections brought on by H. pylori. It exhibits antibacterial properties against both susceptible and resistant strains of bacteria.

What is a safe dose?

For this purpose, we would recommend you speak with a medical expert, who can provide advice based on the severity of the disease and its symptoms.

However, 1-2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice each day is usually considered safe. 

Commercially marketed aloe vera liquids and pills are also available for use. Aloe plants can be used to make aloe vera at home as well. 

It all depends on your convenience and preference now!

Final thoughts 

For those suffering from gastritis, aloe vera is a godsend! 

By its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, healing, and moisturizing characteristics, it aids in removing all potential causes of gastritis.

Thus, all these benefits make it a successful complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for gastritis with fewer side effects and more efficacy.

However, it should be used with care and prudence, just like any other medication. We would recommend you consult your doctor before beginning any treatment.