Is Cinnamon Good For Gastritis?

Gastritis is a serious digestive condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach. The lining of the stomach inflames due to the overgrowth of a harmful bacteria named Helicobacter pylori which reduces the pH to a dangerous level affecting the mucosa badly. 

Besides the bacteria, the condition can also be a result of prolonged alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking, and excessive consumption of medicines like NSAIDs or acidic beverages. Sometimes chronic vomiting may cause the stomach lining to wither away as well. 

In such a painful condition, your stomach becomes very sensitive and requires something that can have a soothing and pain-relieving effect. Well, if you are looking for a suitable option, cinnamon can be a good choice. How? Let’s find out! 

Gastritis And Cinnamon (Is it Good?)

Cinnamon is a common household spice that is mostly available as dried bark or in a powdered form. Moreover, the numerous health benefits of Cinnamon have got it into supplements as well. Ceylon and Cassia are the two most common varieties of cinnamon used for the purpose. 

The charms associated with the spice are usually due to its natural chemical composition. For instance, cinnamon has cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamyl aldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and eugenol all of which are reportedly effective against bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. These composite chemicals also make cinnamon effective against a variety of anti-inflammatory conditions including gastritis. 

How does cinnamon help with gastritis? 

Many studies have been conducted where the researchers have found cinnamon to have a positive effect on the growth inhibition of H. pylori. Many have stated it is equally potent as the antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs used to treat the condition. Thus, it can be considered a safe alternative as it offers minimal side effects. However, there is still a lot of research required before any major claim. 

Furthermore, a study conducted by some Australian researchers found that consuming cinnamon after meals affects the production of gas inside the stomach. It helps to decrease the production of stomach acid (Hydrochloric Acid) and pepsin secreted by the walls of the stomach.

This ultimately reduces the carbon dioxide gas, metabolic heat, and pH inside. Your stomach is likely to cool down keeping its walls integral and improving the overall gastric health. Also, they stated that the antioxidant potential of the herb protects your stomach lining against free radical damage as well.      

Here are some important benefits of the spice to help you with the condition. 

  • Prebiotic properties to enhance gut health: Cinnamon has prebiotic qualities that promote the development of healthy bacteria. However, as mentioned above, it not only encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria but also stops harmful bacteria like H. pylori from proliferating in your body. Consequently, adding cinnamon to your diet can stop the gastritis symptoms from worsening.
  • Eases digestive discomfort: Cinnamon has been used to relieve gastrointestinal distress for ages. Due to its digestive, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial qualities, it has demonstrated promise in treating gastrointestinal issues like gastritis. To serve the purpose, it is taken in the form of hot beverages like tea. If the tea does not taste good, you can add some honey to it. 
  • Maintains blood sugar level: A balanced diet that includes a small bit of cinnamon each day can help reduce blood sugar levels in the body. This glycemic control prevents inflammation of the cells and linings inside your body, keeping diseases like gastritis at bay. 
  • Antioxidants lessen free radical damage: Strong antioxidants like polyphenols, which are abundant in cinnamon, help shield your body from the oxidative damage brought on by free radicals. Free radical damage is often linked with inflammatory diseases so it is better to keep them in check and cinnamon can surely help you with this. Probably this is why it is also used as a natural food preservative because it contains a lot of antioxidants.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties: Cinnamon is a common ingredient in herbal medicines because of its calming and therapeutic qualities. As already mentioned, cinnamaldehyde and related compounds in cinnamon are the sources of the antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects of cinnamon. As a result, it aids in the treatment of bacterial infections like gastritis. It also works well for fungal and viral infections. 

How to incorporate cinnamon into your diet? 

If you have gastritis, cinnamon can be a healthy natural remedy against it. If you are willing to incorporate it into your diet, here are some easy ways to do it. 

  1. The simplest way to include cinnamon in your diet is to sprinkle it on your food. Whether you are eating bread, pasta, or whatever, just a pinch of cinnamon on it will do well. However, make sure you are consuming stomach-friendly foods. Because you cannot be eating acidic foods and expecting cinnamon to make up for the effect. 
  2. You can also make cinnamon tea. It is absolutely soluble in water and makes a great beverage to sip on.
  3. Cinnamon is also available in the form of capsules and supplements. You can get them from the market and have them after or before your meals as per the recommended dosage. Note, it is better to speak to your doctor before starting on a new supplement. 
  4. Finally, the most delicious way to consume cinnamon is to sprinkle it on a spoonful of honey. Honey too has antibacterial effects, tastes great, and is definitely worth a try!    

Some necessary precautions 

Cinnamon does not have any negative side effects when consumed in food proportions. Consuming too much, however, could make your stomach uncomfortable. Also, it is advised that pregnant women stay away from cinnamon supplements, until or unless advised by their doctor.

Cassia Coumarin, a blood thinner found in cinnamon, should not be taken in conjunction with anticoagulants like warfarin. Additionally, cinnamon may lower blood sugar levels, therefore diabetic persons must use caution while consuming this spice.

Final thoughts 

Cinnamon can be a good dietary choice if you are looking for treating gastritis most naturally. Its antibacterial potential makes it worth all the hype. However, you should be careful with the amount you take in and the mean of consumption. Any carelessness might end up hurting your stomach badly.