Is Oatmeal Good for Gastritis? (A Complete Guide)

Oatmeal is very popular for its high-value nutrients. Almost all of us know how good it is for the digestive system, especially the stomach. For instance, it has all the required minerals and vitamins along with a high-fiber content i.e. a perfect combination to keep your gastric lining smooth and inflammation free. 

Besides all its health benefits, oatmeal works great for gastritis. Yes, you read it right! It is incredibly nutritious to protect your mucosa against irritants and germs. Thus, it is often recommended for gastritis. 

This article will let you know further about how oatmeal is good for a particular condition. So, let’s begin. 

Nutritional value of oatmeal 

Oats refer to the whole, cereal grains coming from the grass family of plants. They are the edible seeds of oat grass that are richly supplied with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.  Moreover, they are naturally packed with complex carbohydrates and a powerful fiber named beta-glucan. 

As compared to other grains, they are more potent including proteins and healthy fats. The essential minerals included in oats like manganese, thiamin, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous, and selenium impart a well-balanced composition to provide you with a complete meal for the day. 

Oatmeal is usually very filling. It is because it is high in fiber and low in calories. It can be a perfect breakfast to keep you full throughout the day. If you are trying to lose weight, oatmeal can be a good choice to satisfy yourself without any heavy calorie intake.

Some people are concerned with its not-so-appealing taste but you can fix that by adding honey, yogurt, fruits, and nuts of your choice!    

Health benefits of oatmeal for gastritis

Oatmeal is associated with a lot of health benefits. However, here we’ll discuss the ones pertaining to gastritis only. So, keep reading. 

Gastritis has a wide range of symptoms. It can be either acute or chronic. The former may not require any medical care and can resolve with some dietary changes. However, the latter needs immediate medical attention because it is linked with various complications. For instance, 

  1. Erosive gastritis results in chronic internal bleeding and may cause anemia. 
  2. Prolonged inflammation of the stomach lining may lead to stomach ulcers or open sores. 
  3. In rare cases, extreme inflammation may cause abnormal cellular conditions like cancer. 

Oatmeal, as mentioned above, has beta-glucan which is a powerful fiber that partially dissolves in the stomach to form a thick, gel-like solution. This solution is essential to relieve pain and prevent constipation.         

If you or somebody you know have gone through gastritis, you would know that constipation makes the condition worst! Thus, people with gastritis are strongly recommended to distance themselves from constipating foods.

Also, oatmeal has all the required nutrients to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your stomach and intestines. This healthy gut flora is helpful in alleviating the overgrowth of Helicobacter pylori which is the primary cause of gastritis.    

Also, oatmeal helps to improve the sensitivity of insulin and keeps your blood sugar balanced. Many preliminary studies link chronic high levels of sugar with the inflammation of the gastric lining. Although significant research is required to confirm this link, still prevention is always better than cure! 

Other benefits of oatmeal

Besides gastritis, oatmeal can also help you with a lot of other health conditions. Here are some of them; 

  • Oatmeal is good for your heart health. It controls various factors increasing the risk of heart disease. For example, it lowers the level of low-density lipoproteins which are often referred to as bad cholesterol. 
  • Oats are good for your skin. The nutrients included in them help with symptoms of eczema. Please note that this benefit relates to the topical treatment of the condition only. 
  • Oats work well for asthma too. They help to reduce the risk of the condition among children and have a protective effect on respiratory ways.   

Some important to-dos

Since everyone’s diet for gastritis is different, keep track of any additional items that might aggravate the symptoms for you. Some of them are as follows; 

  • Tomatoes
  • Highly processed foods 
  • Milk chocolate but not pure-dark chocolate
  • High-trans fat foods

Additionally, avoiding symptomatic or allergic foods like dairy and gluten-containing foods is a must too.

Well, although they are inherently gluten-free, oats occasionally may contain traces of gluten because the machinery used to harvest and process them is also used to process other grains that contain gluten. So, be sure to buy oat goods with a gluten-free certification if you have a sensitivity to the allergen!

Lastly, if the inflammation is caused by an infection with H. pylori, a prescription for antibiotics is necessary as well.

Finals thoughts 

Gastritis is a serious digestive disorder that in extreme cases may result in unwanted complications. The prognosis of the condition is particularly influenced by what you consume and put in your body. Some meals make the pain and other symptoms worse while some work like water on the fire for them. 

So, now it is up to you to be very careful about what you’ll be eating. While some foods are frowned upon, there are plenty of nutritious treats to enjoy as your stomach lining inflammation heals. And oatmeal is surely one of them! 

If you haven’t tried it so far, this might be the right time to please your inflaming stomach with this delight.