Is Potato Good For Gastritis? (In-Depth Guide)

Gastritis is a common issue that usually causes digestive symptoms and pain. Several foods can trigger its symptoms; however, avoiding certain foods could help to manage this condition. This condition is usually caused by drinking too much alcohol or by eating acidic foods.  

Potatoes are generally acidic in nature, and their pH ranges between 5.4 and 5.9. This means their pH level makes them slightly acidic in nature. However, potatoes are considered an integral part of many salads and dishes, and usually, people take them as a second bread.

So only serious illness could take them out from the human diet. However, because of their acidic nature, many people might think that they are not good for gastritis, and everyone asks, Are potatoes good for gastritis?

Potatoes are often considered good for gastritis if they are consumed in moderation. Food that can trigger gastritis symptoms is often below the pH level of 4.6, while potatoes are mildly acidic. However, despite being acidic, they are good for gastritis and do not increase your stomach acidity unless eaten in high quantities.

One study on the effects of potatoes on gastritis has revealed that they have antioxidants and protective effects against gastritis. As they do not cause or trigger gastritis, you must be careful about the potato additives such as butter species which can trigger your gastritis.

So be careful about the other contents of potato meals to avoid worsening effects of gastritis.  

Although there is not sufficient evidence that potatoes can heal gastritis, the one thing that is true about potatoes is that they do not cause gastritis.

If you are interested you can take a look at my 1 Week Gastritis Diet Plan

Is sweet potato good for gastritis?

Sweet potatoes are a nutritious and delicious type of potatoes that some people take as merely a dessert ingredient. Like plain potatoes, they do not trigger the symptoms of gastritis when they are eaten in moderation.

Moreover, sweet potatoes are packed with all the essential nutrients that play an important role in your body. They help to prevent vitamin A deficiency by providing a high level of vitamin A as they contain a high level of beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A in your livers.

They also help as a great source of magnesium and fiber that helps manage diabetes.

Is cooked potato good for gastritis?

When potatoes are cooked, they reduce their anti-oxidative effects. For instance, one study revealed that cooking them decreases the activity of phenolic compounds in potatoes.

However, raw potatoes could also cause certain digestive issues in some people because of the high starch compounds of potatoes.

Potatoes are not magical food for healthy gastritis, but it is not to trigger gastritis if consumed in moderation.    

Is potato juice good for gastritis?

Potato juice with high acidity has a therapeutic effect. Potato juice can decrease your stomach acidity and lead to a reduction in pain, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Potato juice is generally considered an excellent home remedy to treat gastritis.

Its juice is very easy to prepare and is neutral in taste. It must be taken on an empty stomach, one hour before the meal and three times a day. The positive results could be seen within 10-15 days.  

You can prepare potato juice at your home, just peel the potato, grate it and place these grated potatoes in a sieve over a bowl. Then pour the warm water over the potatoes, and drink this water an hour before a meal. Experts also suggest drinking potato juice right after waking up in the morning to get its effective results.  

Is boiled potato good for gastritis?

Boiled potatoes are naturally rich in minerals and vitamins, significantly phosphorus, potassium, B-complex vitamins, and vitamin C. Furthermore, they are low in fat and calories. Their higher fiber content helps you feel full for longer.

The good thing is, just like raw potatoes, boiled potatoes also do not cause gastritis.

However, be mindful about the extra ingredients that you might add to your boiled potatoes, whether they are acidic or not, but plain boiled potatoes are not a cause of any issue.

Is baked potato good for gastritis?

People also love baked potatoes that also help them in weight loss. A baked potato not only gives a delicious taste but is also full of nutritional benefits. Potatoes are generally said to be easy to digest, starchy food, whether raw or baked.

Compared to boiled potatoes, baked potatoes are worth eating as they are more nutrient-dense. Bakes potatoes contain 25 percent more magnesium than boiled potatoes, 40 percent more phosphorous and potassium, as well as 40 percent more folate.

Not only this, but baked potatoes are also good for digestion, and their vitamin B6 helps to break down the carbohydrates and also helps to improve metabolism. This wonderful combination works great for weight loss and weight management purposes.

Is potato soup good for gastritis?

A new soup recipe – potato soup, gives a very creamy, delicious taste. The soups are considered super reflux friendly. Though it is acid in nature with a pH level of 5.9, it still proves good for acidic reflux.

Researches say that it is good to consume potato soup for gastritis symptoms; however, always remember that excess of everything could be bad, so be careful not to consume potatoes or any other dish made with potatoes in excess to be avoided its negative effects.

Is Irish potato good for gastritis?

Irish potato is basically is a varietal white potato, which is native to South America. They were named because they are closely relatable to the Irish potato famine. They are a rich source of providing fiber, carbohydrates, and antioxidants.

As they are rich in antioxidants, Irish potatoes are good for gastritis. They do not trigger the symptoms of gastritis unless eaten in high quantity.

Moreover, they are rich in antioxidants and contain vitamin C. Irish potatoes are great to deal with, whether external or internal inflammation issues.

Is potato salad good for gastritis?

Potato salad is usually made after boiling the potatoes, and by adding certain ingredients, it is considered a side dish in many regions.

As potatoes are packed with healthy nutrients, they do not trigger the symptoms of gastritis.

But when the potato salad is made, most people add mayo or sour cream to give them more taste; however, this makes the potato salad less healthy and hard to digest.

So, potatoes, on their own, do not trigger gastritis symptoms; only the ingredients you add to give them a different taste cause issues. So be careful while adding anything to your potato salad.   

Are potatoes ok with gastritis?

Potatoes are a healthy food to eat with gastritis. They contain a compound called potato peptides which act as antioxidants. The antioxidant compound helps to protect your body from inflammation, cell damage, and cancer transformation.

Experts tested to check the effects of potatoes; they isolated the potato peptide or Po-P compound and inserted it into the body of rats with gastritis. The compound reacts dramatically and reduces gastritis.

Potatoes also contain a sugar compound called potato Galactan Polysaccharide, which helps to stop stomach acid secretion. Moreover, this compound also inhibits an enzyme called + H+, K+-ATPase H. This inhibition helps to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach and improves gastritis.

Is raw potato good for gastritis?

Raw potatoes are not a common practice but are linked with a number of health benefits. The starch present in raw potatoes is linked with a number of health benefits; however, raw potatoes can cause some digestive issues.  

However, both raw and cooked potatoes can be enjoyed without facing any adverse effects of gastritis if eaten in moderation.

A recent study has claimed that potatoes have unique antibacterial properties that help to treat stomach ulcers. These antibacterial molecules are key to preventing and curing bacteria that live in the stomach, which causes heartburn and ulcer.

Doctors recommend removing the skin of potatoes before eating them as they will become difficult to digest.