Is Rice Pudding Good for Acid Reflux? (Answered)

Acid reflux is known as a common disease. Many people know it as a burning sensation behind the breastbone. Most often, it occurs after eating. It is caused by acidic stomach contents rising into the oesophagus.

Acid reflux is a symptom of something called heartburn. If you have acid reflux, you need a healthy and balanced diet. Certain foods – including chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and acidic or spicy foods – trigger acid reflux in some people.

In this article, you will find out how rice pudding can be beneficial to people with heartburn/acid reflux, how you can counteract it, and everything else related to the topic.

Is Rice Pudding Good for Acid Reflux?

Rice pudding is one of the recommended foods for heartburn. It is effortless to digest in the stomach and forms mucus in the oesophagus. However, rice pudding is not considered a panacea and does not fight the causes of stomach disease.

Rice pudding is considered a cheap staple food for a large part of the world’s population. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and ensures a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Another advantage of rice pudding is that it has no fat. Other fatty foods take longer to digest. The consequence of this is the movement of the stomach acidic into the oesophagus. Rice pudding help prevent impending acid reflux or at least alleviate the symptoms.

Can You Eat Rice With Acid Reflux?

Rice, known since ancient times, is probably the oldest cereal used by man because, thanks to its properties, high digestibility, and ability to regulate intestinal flora, it has proved to be a precious ally in the care and well-being of humans.

It is, in fact, the carbohydrate component of rice that has a regulatory effect on the gastrointestinal flora, hence the reason why white rice is often used as part of the therapy against stomach acid.

Therefore, a portion of white rice can soothe the burning sensation in the stomach, helping to disinfect the gastrointestinal tract in a completely natural way. If you are not fond of plain white rice, you can add digestive spices such as ginger and curry.

What Is the Ph Level of Rice Pudding?

The question of whether rice pudding is alkaline or acidic is often discussed. In the list of alkaline foods, rice pudding is not primarily represented. In general, rice pudding is slightly acidic but helps bring a healthy pH level. It has been shown to have a pH of 6.6.

Is Rice Pudding Good for You?

Rice pudding is ground and polished short-grain rice. During the polishing and husking of the rice grains, a large part of the vitamins and minerals are lost, which is why the content of essential nutrients in the tiny short-grain rice is relatively manageable.

Consuming the recommended 25 grams of fibre per day for women and 38 grams per day for men lowers your risk for high cholesterol, constipation, haemorrhoids and diverticulosis, a condition in which pouches in your intestine become inflamed.

Fibre also makes foods more filling, so it can help you maintain your weight. Each serving of rice pudding contains only 1 gram of fibre, so this dessert is not a good source of fibre. However, if you make rice pudding with brown rice, you can increase its fibre content and make it more nutritious.

Nevertheless, rice pudding offers essential body vitamins B1 and B2 and potassium, magnesium, and other minerals. If the rice is prepared with cow’s milk, a portion of rice pudding contains the vitamins A, B, D, E and K had in the milk and calcium, iodine, and zinc.

The Society for Nutrition recommends consuming 200 grams of milk and milk products per day, which you can already achieve with a portion of rice pudding.

A serving of rice pudding contains around 223 calories. The carbohydrate content is relatively high at about 50 grams, but this is almost exclusively long-chain starch, which slowly increases the blood sugar level and is very filling. There is practically no sugar in rice pudding.

Rice pudding is easy to prepare yourself – so you know what’s in your rice pudding. On the other hand, finished products can often contain a lot of sugar.

Can Rice Pudding Make You Sick?

Yes, you can get sick from eating rice pudding. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, this is because rice pudding contains a bacterium called Bacillus cereus that produces a toxin when heated and left out too long. The toxin produced can make you very sick.

It may cause abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, or vomiting within 15–30 minutes of ingesting it.

Bacillus cereus is a bacterium typically found in soil to contaminate raw rice. If you eat rice pudding that contains Bacillus cereus bacteria, you may be sick and experience vomiting about one to five hours afterwards. Symptoms are relatively mild and usually last about 24 hours.

Moreover, Since rice pudding is usually made with cow’s milk, it is not well tolerated by people with lactose intolerance. Such an intolerance to rice pudding is usually expressed in severe abdominal pain shortly after consumption.

However, this problem can easily be circumvented by using soy, rice or grain drinks instead of regular milk. Even with these alternatives, the rice pudding grains become a creamy and tasty dessert suitable for a vegan diet.

Can Rice Cause Acidity?

Rice can help remove fluids from the digestive system, making it easier to digest food. It is a cereal that provides many nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and a high amount of fibre, the essential substance to say goodbye to heartburn! Point out that we always talk about whole grain varieties since refined rice behaves as if it were white sugar (simple carbohydrate), which our body converts into fat, thus becoming harmful to the stomach and causing heartburn.


The food you eat affects the number of acids your stomach produces. Eating suitable types of food is the key to controlling a severe and chronic form of acid reflux. If your reflux symptoms are severe or persistent, you must see your doctor. If left untreated, persistent reflux can damage your oesophagus, leading to swallowing problems or oesophagal cancer.