Are Apples Acidic? (A Complete Answer)

“Eat an apple a day, keep the doctor away” you must have heard these words in your life because apples are extremely rich in nutrition. They are a great source of fiber that helps to keep the digestive system efficient and functional.

Apples are available in different types, shapes, colors, and flavors and give a range of nutrients that benefit many different aspects of a person’s health. But besides all the benefits of apples, they still tend to be acidic; why? They are considered acidic because of their pH level, their pH mainly ranges between 3 and 4, where 4 is a more mature apple while three is for an unripe apple.

Are Apples Acidic

Is apple acidic?     

Apples are considered to be on the acidic side of the pH scale. The specific pH of apples can be different depending on the type of apples, but no matter which type they have, they will have an acidic pH. However, a sweet and delicious apple has a pH of 3.9, Golden apples mainly have a pH of 3.6, and Johnathan apples have a pH of 3.3. More, Mcintosh apples have a pH level of 3.34, and Granny Smith apples have a pH of 3.2.

No matter how much pH they have, they are still excellent for many people for many reasons. And one more good thing is that though they contain acid, they are not considered one of the acidic food that needs to be avoided because of heartburn or reflux.

Although many people also report success in treating acid reflux with apples, but there is no scientific proof to support all these claims. Usually, people can eat red apples and do not experience any side effects, so adding them to the daily diet is not harmful. A typical serving is one medium apple or about a cup of chopped apples.

The acidity of Apples

Apples are considered acidic, but not all types of apples possess the same amount of acidity. The acidity levels in different kinds of apples can be different. The acceptable acidity for dessert apples generally falls between 3.1 and 3.8. Generally, fruits with a pH higher than 3.1 are considered sour while, if they contain a pH higher than 3.9, their taste will become flavorless, i.e., very low in acidity.

Common apples contain Honeycrisp, Gala, Golden Delicious, and McIntosh are known to have a sweeter flavor and are very delicious. And all these apples have acidity levels within an acceptable range. However, sweet apple-like Sweet McIntosh, Sweet Delicious, Sweet Caroline, and others are also available that contain very little acid and offer a flat taste. But many people do not like such sweet and flat taste because of low acidity.

They have two different types of acid in them. The majority of acid in apples comes from malic acid, while the rest is the form of ascorbic acid, which is scientifically known as Vitamin C.

Malic Acid in Apples

Malic acid is the primary acid in apples, and its concentration in different types of apples plays the main role in how those apples taste, like wild apples have more malic acid in them as compared to farmed apples, even though these both types of apples have a similar amount of sugar in them in the form of fructose and sucrose.

Not many researches assure that malic acid is healthy for human health, according to one study published in January 2013 that focused on how this acid had affected people with symptoms called xerostomia or dry mouth that is mainly caused by a decrease in saliva.

The researchers did an experiment and found that after 14 to 15 days of taking melic acid in any food, the participants had significantly decreased increased saliva flow and relief from their symptoms. However, the main thing to note down here is that it was an experiment in which the scientist had used the malic acid directly, so therefore it is hard to say whether apples could have the same effects or not in regular life.

Ascorbic Acid in Apples

Ascorbic acid, which is more frequently known as Vitamin C, is also present in an insignificant amount in apples. Like malic acid, wild apples have more ascorbic apples than farmed apples. According to one report published in June 2017, both acids present in apples are positively correlated. When the quantity of one type of acid increases, the other will also grow.

However, researchers have also found that ascorbic acid is also present in high quantities in immature apples. When the fruit ripens, matures, and gets bigger, the intensity of ascorbic acid decreases, and apples become sweeter.

As it is not possible to produce ascorbic acid or Vitamin C by humans, so it is very necessary to take a sufficient amount of Vitamin C from food. Because Vitamin C plays a very important role in most important body functions like the immune system, skin health, wound healing, and protein metabolism.

is apple acidic or alkaline

Is the acidity of apples bad for humans?

The pH level of apples is not too high, which means they are not associated with any harm that can cause a problem for human health.

However, the results can differ depending on person to person, but it is very rare to find people who may feel hyperacidity because of apple consumption. As alkaline elements such as calcium and magnesium are present in apples so create a great acid-alkaline balance in the human body. Therefore, the acidity present in apples does not cause any bad or unpleasant health effects.

Acid Reflux and Apples

If you have a gastroesophageal disease, which is more commonly called GERD, your advice is to avoid acidic foods like citrus acid, tomatoes, spice foods, high-fat foods, caffeine, and chocolates. But, no matter apples have malic acid and ascorbic acid in them, they are still non-acidic foods and are considered safe for GERD.

One research also refers that eating lots of non-acidic foods like pear, apple, banana, and melon for health for heartburn and acid reflux relief. But the timings for eating apples also matter a lot if you have heartburn. As if you have acid reflux or heartburn issues, you should avoid taking them before three to four hours off bedtime.

Undoubtedly, all the diet recommendations and lifestyle treatments could not be the same and are also not right for you, so if you have chronic digestive issues, it’s better to consult your doctor about whether adding apples into your diet is right for you or not.

Nutritional benefits of apples:

  • Protein 6g
  • Fat 5g
  • Fiber 2g
  • Vitamin C 6mg
  • Carbohydrates 6g
  • Potassium 100mg

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Benefits of eating apples

Apples are a great source of fiber, minerals, and Vitamins, which all provide great benefits to human health. Eating two apples a day can fight against heart diseases and keep the cholesterol level in control. Some of the best benefits include;

Lower the cholesterol level:

Apples work great for lowering the cholesterol level in the body as apples contain pectin, which is a natural fiber found in plants. It is scientifically proved that eating a pectin-rich whole apple lowers down the cholesterol level in healthy humans compared to apple juice.

Protect against diabetes:

According to the Harvard Gazette, apples prove very beneficial for preventing the risk of type 2 diabetes. You should pick up the apple, tart green apple, such as Granny Smith, which is lower in sugar and a great choice for people with diabetes.

Help in Weight loss:

Apples are low in calories and contain a high amount of fiber, with 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber peer large size of an apple. However, apples have also been found to support weight loss.

Apples also contain carbs that give instant energy but remember having too much of it can lead to weight gain. So take an adequate quantity of apples when you are trying to lose weight.

Prevent heart diseases:

Apples are a great source of polyphenols, protective plant compounds; one of them is a flavonoid called quercetin. According to the research, people who take a large amount of quercetin, especially by eating apples, lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and asthma.

Helps in bone health:

Taking fruits and vegetables is considered helpful for greater bone density and improved bone health. Because of containing all the essential nutrients, apples prove great in improving bone health. For a more detailed guide read here.

Take a look at our page dedicate of  alkaline and acid fruits

Some Warnings!!

No doubt apples are very healthy to eat, but certain types of apples may cause some symptoms in people with acidic reflux. However, red apples do not generally cause an increase in symptoms. But green apples are more acidic, which can cause some negative impacts on certain people. Pesticide residue can also be present in the skin of conventional apples.

If you are eating an apple with pesticide residue in it, it should not cause any adverse side effects. If you want to reduce the exposure to pesticide residue, then you can simply buy organic apples.

Doctors mainly recommend taking fresh apples over-processed forms, such as applesauce or any other apple products. Moreover, fresh apples also possess more fiber content, more antioxidants, and less impact on your blood sugar levels.