The Glycemic Index of Eggs

What is the glycemic index value of eggs? Are eggs a low glycemic food? Do eggs raise blood sugar levels? Do eggs have carbohydrates? How many carbs per egg? If you are interested in knowing how eggs affect blood sugar metabolism, and to what extent they do so, read on to find out what is the glycemic index and glycemic impact of eggs, and whether eggs are a low or high glycemic food.

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index, or GI, is a measuring system that classifies foods based on their effects on blood sugar. The glycemic index essentially measures how fast the carbohydrates in a food raise blood sugar levels. The lower the glycemic index of a food, the lesser its effects on blood sugar and the better it is for a diabetic or anyone, really. Conversely, the higher the GI score of a food, the worse that food is for blood sugar control. Of course, the glycemic index value of foods becomes irrelevant if intake is excessive. The glycemic index is a tool used mainly by diabetics and anyone monitoring their blood sugar levels more closely.

Find out more about the glycemic index.

Eggs glycemic index

What is the glycemic index chart?

The glycemic index chart is a numerical scale that ranks foods according to how much, or how little, they affect blood sugar levels. The glycemic index scale goes from 0 to 100. Between 0 and 55 is a low glycemic index. Between 55/56 and 69 is a moderate glycemic index. Between 70-100 is a high glycemic index. The highest value or GI score, 100, is assigned to glucose. Glucose is a simple form of sugar and also the main type of sugar circulating in the blood, obtained from carbohydrates in food. Conversely, the lowest GI score, 0, is attributed with foods that have no carbs to raise blood sugar levels.

What is the glycemic index of eggs?

Whole eggs, egg yolk and egg white are zero-glycemic foods.

The glycemic index of eggs is zero (0). Eggs are referred to as a zero-glycemic food because they have close to no effect on blood sugar levels. The glycemic impact of eggs is so low, it is imperceptible in the grand scheme of things. Meat is even lower-glycemic than eggs and classified as a zero-glycemic food too. Fats such as lard, olive oil and other oils are also zero-glycemic foods.

Glycemic index of egg yolk:

0 (zero)

Glycemic index of egg white:

0 (zero)

Glycemic index of whole egg:

0 (zero)

Are eggs low glycemic or high glycemic?

Considering they are rated 0 (zero) on the glycemic index scale, which is the lowest score, eggs are definitely low glycemic foods. But given their score, eggs are more than just a low GI food – eggs are a zero GI food which is as low as it gets.

Eggs glycemic index

Do eggs have carbohydrates?

It is assumed that eggs have no carbohydrates because they are naturally very low in carbs.

What is the carbs content of eggs? Do eggs have any carbs at all? Eggs are an animal food and one would think they don’t have any carbs, especially considering they have virtually no effect on blood sugar and are rated as zero glycemic on the glycemic index scale. But eggs do in fact have carbs. Both egg yolk and egg white contain minimal amounts of carbohydrates. But because the carbs in eggs are so few, well under 1 g per 100 g, eggs are assumed to have no carbs.

How many carbs do eggs have?

What is the carbs content of eggs? How many carbs in an egg? Eggs don’t have too many carbs. 100 g of whole egg has, on average, around 0.7% to 0.8% carbs which means a carb content of only 0.7 grams to 0.8 grams per 100 g of egg. One medium or large egg has up to 0.5 grams of carbs. Egg white contains about 25% of the total content of carbs in eggs, while egg yolk contains up to 75% of the total carbs content. Boiled eggs have been estimated to contain up to 1 gram of carbs per 100 g, which is still an extremely low amount of carbohydrates.

There are so many different types of eggs to choose from, such as duck eggs and goose eggs, quail eggs and chicken eggs, turkey eggs and pheasant eggs, and also peahen eggs and guinea fowl eggs and giant ostrich eggs.

Do eggs raise blood sugar levels?

Pair eggs with vegetables, or have your fruit after eating eggs for better blood sugar control.

Do eggs raise blood sugar levels? Considering they have such a low carbohydrate content that they’re deemed to be almost carb-free, eggs don’t affect blood sugar levels (perceptibly, at least). In fact, the main reason why eggs are dubbed a zero-glycemic food is because they have no perceptible effects on blood sugar levels.

Why don’t eggs raise blood sugar levels? In addition to having almost no carbs, eggs are high in both fat and protein. 100 g of hard-boiled whole chicken egg has 9.5 g of fat and 12.5 g of protein. Both fat and protein slow down digestion and the absorption of sugar from digested food into the bloodstream, causing a reduced glycemic impact. In fact, eggs are a zero glycemic food not just because they are very low in carbs, but also because they are high in fat and protein.