Is Mango High In Potassium? (Answered)

Mango is a stone fruit native to the tropical regions; it is one of the lovest tropical fruits present in the world; it is rich in minerals and an excellent source of Vitamin C and A. 

Many people enjoy eating Mango during the summertime because it is tastier and refreshing. Anyway, there could be people with kidney disease, and consuming foods with high potassium could be dangerous. But does Mango have potassium? 

Is Mango high in potassium? The whole Mango contains approximately 347 mg of potassium, which means that for 100g of Mango, you assume 168 mg of potassium; for that reason, it can be considered a medium potassium level fruit.

Anyway, the potassium level will depend upon the types of Mango you will decide to consume since there are different varieties. 

Mango goes well in every dessert, and it is also used for enriching salad or for preparing tea. It is versatile and doesn’t represent a high risk for people with kidney disease.

Is mango juice high in potassium?

No, mango juice is not high in potassium; it contains only 36 mg of potassium for a serving of 8fl oz, 100g of mango juice contains 142 mg of potassium.

If you need a fresh drink and follow a low potassium diet, preparing fresh mango juice could be the best option.

Mango juice benefits are associated mainly with its Vitamin C, beta carotene, and potassium content. Some of the most known benefits are:

  • Boost immunity 
  • Boost memory
  • Helps indigestion
  • Good for Eyes

Since mango juice is not high in potassium, it can be consumed without worrying about the possible disease; anyway, it is always important to take care about the quantity and not exceed the consumption of it.

Is Mango good for kidneys?

Some of the questions that may arise from persons that have kidney disease are whether Mango is bad for the kidney.

Raw mangoes are rich in antioxidants helping kidneys to remove toxic substances present in our body; in addition, raw mangoes are low in potassium content and can be consumed in moderation.

Mangoes have many benefits, and most people choose them not only for the fantastic taste that it shares but also for their healthy propriety. 

If consumed in moderation, Mango can be a good fruit for people following every type of diet.

Is dried Mango high in potassium?

Finding and tasting new flavors is everything for all the people who like to experiment in the kitchen.

If we consider Mango, we discover that there are many ways of preparing it, and because it is a healthy fruit, it is used in dried form too.

But have you ever wondered if there is potassium in dried Mango?

100g of dried Mango contains 279 mg of potassium, making it entering into the category of fruit with a high potassium content.

Dried Mango can be found in slices, powder, or frozen; the choice will depend upon your necessity and how you want to consume it.

The potassium content for 100g of powdered dried Mango is 279 mg as well as for the frozen type.

Whatever form of dried Mango you will take, the potassium content is the same.

See also :

Are Dried Apricots High in Potassium?

Are Dates High In Potassium?

Is green Mango high in potassium?

Green Mango is Mango in the early stage, still unripe. It does not have incredible taste. But it is common to find it in most grocery stores worldwide.

Green Mango can be eaten, and it is not as sweet as the ripe version. Anyway, if you are consuming it, I can imagine that you may be curious to know if it is raw Mango high in potassium, so let’s take a look.

The content of potassium for 100g of Mango green is 168 mg.

Green Mango is not richer in potassium than the ripe version, and in case you like it and are following a low potassium diet, eating the green version instead of the ripe one could be the best option for you.  

Potassium in Mango vs Banana

As soon as we start to think about fruits with high potassium, the first fruit that comes to mind is undoubtedly the banana

Although we have already discussed how much potassium Mango has, many of you might be curious to know the differences in potassium between a mango and a banana.

If we consider the value of potassium for 100g, we notice that:

100g of banana contains 358 mg of potassium while a mango contains 168 mg.

From the statement earlier done above, we can notice that bananas are higher in potassium content.

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Final thoughts about potassium content in Mango

Following a diet and limiting potassium intake is a challenge that people are suffering from kidney disease must fight every day. Knowing the potassium content of each type of food could be challenging too. Still, thanks to this article today, you have a better idea about the potassium content present in Mango.