Is Lemon High In Potassium? (Interesting Facts!)

Lemon is part of the citrus family, its color and unmistakable taste make the lemons the primary ingredients used for preparing different types of dishes around the world. 

The astringent flavor and the shiny yellow color make the lemon one of the most loved citrus fruits. In America, it is primarily used to prepare the famous American meringue pie or simply used to prepare lemonade. 

Whatever modality of preparation we choose, the lemon remains an acidic fruit, but what about their potassium content? Do lemons have potassium in them? 

Is lemon high in potassium? For a serving of 100g of lemon in raw without peel, we found a potassium content of 138 mg. That makes the lemon a medium potassium food.

The lemon is not so high in potassium, so it will be perfect for integrating into people following a low potassium diet. Furthermore, the lemon is an essential source of Vitamin C and provides a good amount of iron and vitamin B6. 

In the next part of the article, we will focus on the potassium content you could find considering the different preparation methods, so let’s dive in.

Is lemon juice high in potassium?

If we consider 100g of lemon juice, the content of potassium present is 102 mg; a value that makes the lemon juice fall into the category of products with a low potassium level.

Lemon juice is used mainly to prepare refreshing drinks, especially during the summer. It is always advisable to consume it by mixing with water and not straight.

People who follow specific diets as kidney-friendly can safely consume it since the potassium value is lower than other fruits.

Furthermore, lemon juice contains antibacterial properties that help to lower blood pressure. 

See also: How Much Potassium In Orange Juice?

Is fresh lemon juice high in potassium?

No, fresh lemon juice is not high in potassium; it shares the exact value of the lemon juice bought in the supermarket; for every 100g of it, we found 102 mg of potassium.

Whatever ways you decide to purchase lemon juice, you will find the same characteristic of potassium content. If you can make fresh lemon juice at home, it will be best for you. This is because some producers of lemon juice may add conservant for increasing the lasting period by making it less healthy.

Is lemon tea high in potassium?

If you live in the UK, tea time is an important part of the day, and surely you don’t want to miss it. But, it is also essential to do it safely without compromising your health. If you are following a low potassium diet, many questions may arise in your head, one of which could be if the lemon tea has a high potassium content (with and without ginger). Here’s the answer that may surprise you.

Yes, lemon tea contains a considerable amount of potassium; in fact, 100g of lemon tea corresponds to 3850mg of potassium.

For people starting a low potassium diet, it may surprise that fact, but you have to know that the content of potassium inside the lemon tea corresponds almost to the 82% of its total nutritions value of it.

If you are part of people who like to enjoy tea time and follow a diet that requires you to limit the intake of potassium, you should avoid consuming it. 

Does lemon water lower potassium?

Assuming the proper intake of potassium daily is essential for our health, and it is our responsability ensuring that we take it in the right quantity.

Potassium is an electrolyte that helps the muscle’s movements by avoiding cramps and supporting their functions. But, if  you are on the opposite side and searching for a methodology to lower the potassium, somethings that you may think is if lemon water lower it.

And this is the answer : 

No, lemon water will not lower the potassium. Instead, it is used to boost it, and many athletes use it to prevent cramps.

See also: Is Garlic High In Potassium?

Is lemon good for the kidneys?

Consuming the lemon will not have any advantages or disadvantages for our kidneys.

The kidney’s primary function is excreting the toxic and waste in the blood. Furthermore, they play an essential role in regulating bone health. There isn’t any evidence that shows that the consumption of lemon could help your kidneys.

Anyway, to be safe, it is always important to consume it in moderation due to its uric acid content.

You might be interested to know:

Is lime high in potassium?

Until now, we understand that lemon is not rich in potassium, only some variations as lemon tea includes huge amounts of it.

But have you ever thought about lime? Is lime high in potassium?

100g of lime contains 102 mg of potassium, which means that lime and lemon’s potassium content is almost the same.

The lime is a citrus fruit that shares almost the same characteristic as the lemon; the only difference is in the size of it; in fact, the lime can reach a maximum of 3 to 6 cm.

Is lemon meringue pie high in potassium?

The lemon meringue pie is a classic cake prepared worldwide, but with major influence in the USA. 

Fruit desserts covered with fruits are not so recent; iin fact they were been found since the 18th century. Resisting the unique perfume and flavor is not an easy task, and what to do if you follow a low potassium diet? Can you eat a slice of it or not?

One slice of lemon meringue pie contains 82.6mg of potassium, which means that if wer consume 100g of it, we will intake 65mg of potassium.

From the value above, we can say that eating lemon meringue pie will not negatively influence your low potassium diet, and you can quietly eat it.

Final thoughts

Consuming lemon will not negatively impact if you are following a kidney diet because its potassium content can be considered low compared to other fruits like bananas