Vitamin B1: Thiamine, Aneurine

What is the function of vitamin B1? In addition to coordinating the activity of both muscles and nerves and supporting heart activity, vitamin B1 is responsible for supplying our body with energy by helping synthesizes fats, protein and the simple carbohydrate glucose. It directly contributes to multiple aspects of physical and mental health.
vitamin B1
Symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency: loss of appetite, tingling sensation both in the upper and lower limbs, numbness, especially in the calf area, thighs or arms, pain in the extremities, muscle weakness, poor reflexes, damage to peripheral nerves, shortness of breath, tiredness, fatigue, changes in heart rate, swelling of legs, ankles or feet, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. A severe vitamin B1 deficiency, known as beriberi, can lead to serious health issues if not addressed in time.