What Is the Best Time to Take Magnesium Supplements?

When is it better to take your magnesium supplements? Should you take magnesium in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening? Is it better to take magnesium before a meal or after? When is the best time to take magnesium to enjoy the most of its benefits for health, optimal absorption and minimal side effects?

Magnesium supplements are full of benefits for health ranging from a scientifically proven lower risk of diabetes and benefits for blood sugar control to measurably and effectively lowering blood pressure numbers that are too high. But what is the best time of the day to take your magnesium supplements to maximize their benefits for health?

When to take magnesium

If it’s about correcting a magnesium deficiency, it doesn’t matter when you take your magnesium so long as you take it.

Does it matter WHEN you take magnesium?

If you have a magnesium deficiency and have been prescribed supplements to correct it, or if you have noticed some big symptoms of low magnesium levels and have decided to take action yourself and buy magnesium supplements available OTC, then whatever the time of the day you take them at is good.

A magnesium deficiency is a deficiency to absolutely correct. Whether the symptoms are simply upsetting, such as a bit of eyelid twitching, the occasional foot cramp, or leg cramps at night every now and then, or downright worrying such as these 5 dangerous side effects of low magnesium, the important thing is to fix the root problem – correct the deficiency.

Correcting the deficiency and bringing your magnesium levels back up to normal is the priority here, and the solution to stopping the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

In this case, the absolute best time to take your magnesium is whenever it feels right for you, that is, whenever you have the time or whenever you feel like it.

What really matters is for you to take your magnesium every day for as long as you need it, as recommended by your doctor, pharmacist or as per the recommendations on the label.

Best time to take magnesium

Magnesium supplements are generally very safe to take and don’t require any special preparations.

Magnesium supplements generally don’t require any special preparations. The supplements don’t come with side effects such as making you sleepy or too alert to sleep so they would need to be taken at special times.

Magnesium doesn’t absolutely need to be taken after a meal like antibiotics, to cushion its impact on the stomach medium and limit damage to the gastric mucosa.

It doesn’t need to be taken with something else to optimize its absorption which is the case for carotenes or vitamin A supplements which require fat for absorption.

More important, magnesium is one of the safest dietary supplements you can take. It’s safer for example than vitamin A which accumulates in the body over time and causes toxicity and birth defects in babies.

It’s also safer than vitamin B3 known to cause liver damage and hepatitis when taken if high amounts, and safer than vitamin K which coagulates blood and increases risks of blood clots and associated cardiovascular events in people with a predisposition to or a history of blood clots.

If you’re looking for specific benefits, then yes, it matters.

The general rule is that it doesn’t matter when you take your magnesium supplements so long as you take them. But if what you’re looking for is not simply to correct a deficiency, but to enjoy very specific benefits, then yes, it matters when you take it.

Or better said, it can help to take your magnesium supplements at a certain time of the day if you’re looking to enjoy specific benefits for health.

If you’re looking to enjoy specific benefits for health, then it can help to take your magnesium supplements at certain times.

For example, if what you’re looking to get from your magnesium supplements is better sleep, then it’s best to take magnesium before going to sleep, anywhere between 30 minutes to one hour before bed.

Of course, taking magnesium every day is bound to produce results for sleep problems, but taking it at night can really make a difference as opposed to taking it in the morning.

If you’ve received very upsetting news unexpectedly and are shaken by it, it helps to take some magnesium right away.

Even if you’ve maybe completed a cycle of supplementation, say, two weeks ago – the body needs magnesium every day, and needs it the most during physically, mentally and emotionally draining situations.

Even if you’ve already taken some magnesium the day before – the effects of magnesium do wear off and are not as pregnant after a good few hours.

Some additional magnesium taken as soon as possible after a very stressful experience can reduce the emotional impact and help you better manage your anxiety, as well as help you think more clearly, not to mention counteract associated cardiovascular side effects such as palpitations, arrhythmia, high blood pressure or a high heart rate that can be brought about by severe stress.

It’s also good to take magnesium before any form of highly demanding physical activity. For instance, if you’re about to work out intensively, whether it’s lifting weights or an intense cardio exercise routine such as running or Zumba. Or before a marathon, a hiking expedition, or simply doing intense manual labor. One hour before is a great time to take your magnesium and it will help your heart and other muscles cope with the physical exertion.

Other tips and observations

Doses of magnesium never have to be high to produce results.

For example, while 400, 450, 500 and even 550-milligram doses of magnesium are largely available OTC, and safe to use, you can get the same results and enjoy the same benefits from smaller amounts such as 350, 300 or 250 milligrams of magnesium.

It’s also okay to split your daily dose of magnesium in two and take half in the morning/first part of the day and half in the evening/second part of the day, or a few good hours apart to maximize the absorption rate and get better results from the supplementation.

Because the mineral is never absorbed 100%, irrespective of the form of magnesium you may choose to take.

Sure, there are what you call best forms of magnesium and also worst forms of magnesium, but either way, no formulation is ever absorbed 100%.