Yogurt or Eggs for Breakfast? (Hard To Choose)

Breakfast is the first meal we eat and it can really set the tone for the rest of our day. A balanced, satiating, but light and nutritious breakfast provides the perfect mindset for us to be productive and accomplish everything we need to. But what should we eat to get the best nutrition and a wonderful start to our day? Should we eat yogurt because it’s healthier than other dairy and helps with transit, or should we eat eggs because they have lots of protein and are satiating? Deciding which of the two, yogurt or eggs, is a better choice of breakfast can be difficult seen there are advantages and disadvantages to both foods.

So let’s compare all the possible benefits and side effects of eating either yogurt or eggs for breakfast and see which of the two is best for you.

First of all, where your food comes from matters. An organic yogurt and free-range, organic eggs will provide more nutritional value to your diet than the same foods from non-organic agriculture or with added artificial ingredients to boost flavor or cut down production costs. Cows fed a diet as close as possible to their natural requirements will produce quality milk that will give a quality yogurt.

The less processed and free of any additions the yogurt, the healthier and more nutritious. Similarly, organic eggs from free-range chickens tend to provide optimal nutrition. So whichever you choose, make sure you get as natural a product as possible.

Yogurt or eggs in the morning

Yogurt or eggs for breakfast?

Both yogurt and eggs are animal food sources and provide complete protein with all essential amino acids our body needs, but cannot produce itself. These amino acids help synthesize neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate mood and support cognitive functions, stimulating attention, generating focus and motivation and boosting productivity, making eggs and yogurt great for breakfast. Here are some values:

  • Plain Greek yogurt (unsweetened) from whole milk: 9 g of protein/100 g
  • Plain Greek yogurt (unsweetened) from low-fat milk: 9.95 g of protein/100 g
  • Whole egg, raw: 12.56 g of protein/100 g (2 eggs at 50 g per egg)
  • Whole egg, fried: 13.61 g of protein/100 g
  • Whole egg, poached: 12.51 g of protein/100 g
  • Whole egg, scrambled: 9.99 g of protein/100 g
  • Whole egg, hard-boiled: 12.58 g of protein/100 g

The recommended daily intake of protein (RDI) for the average person on a 2000 kcal diet is 50 g of protein. When measured for yogurt and eggs, that means:

  • 100 g of yogurt – provides 20% of the RDI of protein
  • 100 g of egg (2 eggs) – provides 20% to 27% of RDI of protein

Yogurt vs eggs breakfast

Yogurt triggers lactose intolerance

Lactose is a double sugar in milk and dairy products that requires a certain enzyme to be broken down and digested. Some people cannot digest it properly, resulting in side effects such as bloating, flatulence, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, feeling heavy after eating and other symptoms. Plain yogurt from whole milk is 4% lactose, meaning it can trigger lactose intolerance in those very sensitive to lactose. Although its content is lower than that of milk (which can have up to 8% lactose), it can still be a problematic food. Choosing varieties with live lactic bacterial cultures can help break down the sugar in the yogurt and allow for better digestion.

Eggs have a significant allergenic potential

Some people experience sensitivity or symptoms of an allergic reaction after eating eggs. Egg allergy is especially common in children, but most outgrow it. People with egg allergies risk suffering an anaphylactic shock if they eat eggs in any form or preparation and are advised to avoid all eggs. People with sensitivity to eggs say eating quail eggs instead of chicken or duck eggs is better, or that discarding the yolk and only eating the egg white does not trigger any symptoms.

Yogurt can also cause allergic reactions

Egg allergy is an extremely common food allergy. On the other hand, many people are sensitive or intolerant to dairy, as well as allergic to protein in milk and milk products such as some yogurt, so for them, eggs might be a better choice, provided they are not allergic. Individual circumstances must be considered.

Eggs have more fat and cholesterol, yogurt has more carbs and sugar

Which is not necessarily bad. A person with no history of heart disease or diabetes will benefit from limited amounts of fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates and sugars from food. Fats nourish the brain and support cognitive functions such as learning and memory. Fats also help skin cells retain water and stay hydrated, as well as exert antioxidant effects at the level of cell membranes, delaying aging signs such as wrinkles.

Cholesterol in egg yolks and fattier yogurt helps synthesize vitamin D for fertility and immunity, bile acids for digestion and hormones as well as exerts a protective action on the nervous system. Carbohydrates and sugars in yogurt provide quick energy for the body to use, and also represent a food supply for the brain. If you are suffering from obesity, diabetes, high blood cholesterol and heart disease, then plain, low fat yogurt might better for you than eggs or regular yogurt.

Fat and cholesterol content of yogurt (per 100 g):

  • Plain, unsweetened, Greek yogurt from whole milk: 5 g of fat – 13 mg of cholesterol
  • Plain, unsweetened, Greek yogurt from low-fat milk: 1.92 g of fat – 10 mg of cholesterol

Fat and cholesterol content of eggs (per 100 g of whole egg, raw):

  • (Chicken egg) 9.51 g of fat – 373 mg of cholesterol
  • (Quail egg) 11.09 g of fat – 844 mg quail egg
  • (Duck egg) 13.77 g of fat – 884 mg duck egg
  • (Turkey egg) 11.88 g of fat – 933 mg of cholesterol

Carbohydrate and sugar content of yogurt vs eggs:

  • Plain Greek yogurt from whole milk (unsweetened): 4 g  of carbs – 4 g of sugar
  • Plain Greek yogurt from low-fat milk (unsweetened): 3.94 g of carbs – 3.56 g of sugar
  • Whole, egg, raw: 0.72 g carbs – 0.37 g sugar

Note: Exact content may vary according to variety of yogurt and type and size of eggs.

Neither yogurt, nor eggs have any dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is indigestible plant material that adds bulk to stools and absorbs water, making stools softer. This promotes regular bowel movements and relieves constipation. However, the fats in eggs and yogurt have a similar effect, helping relieve constipation.

Yogurt has prebiotic and probiotic properties

Yogurt is acidic and ferments in the digestive tract, feeding good gut bacteria. This ensures a healthy gut flora and digestive health with benefits such as regular transit and bowel movements, good immune function at gut level, optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. Most plain yogurt varieties also contain live, beneficial bacterial cultures called probiotics that supplement the existing good gut bacteria, adding to their numbers for digestive health.

Yogurt has less calories

Consider the energetic values of plain yogurt vs eggs per 100 g:

  • Plain Greek yogurt from whole milk: 97 kcal
  • Plain Greek yogurt from low-fat milk: 73 kcal
  • Whole egg, raw: chicken egg: 143 kcal, turkey egg: 171 kcal, duck egg: 185 kcal, quail eggs: 158 kcal

Note: Values may differ slightly between different brands of yogurt. Also, t

Eggs have more folate and vitamin B12

Both yogurt and eggs are quite rich sources of B vitamins, but eggs have more folate (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 than yogurt.

  • Plain Greek yogurt from whole milk: 5 mcg of folate, 0.75 mcg of vitamin B12
  • Plain Greek yogurt from low-fat milk: 12 mcg of folate, 0.52 mcg of vitamin B12
  • Duck eggs: 80 mcg folate, 5.40 mcg vitamin B12
  • Chicken eggs: 47 mcg folate, .89 mcg vitamin B12
  • Quail eggs: 66 mcg folate, 1.58 mcg vitamin B12
  • Turkey eggs: 71 mcg folate, 1.69 mcg vitamin B12

The average adult on a 2000 kcal diet requires 400 micrograms of vitamin B9 (folate) a day, and 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12.

Yogurt is acidic and ferments, causing acid reflux

With all the benefits it entails, yogurt remains an acidic food and those with acid reflux disease can experience stomach acidity if they eat too much. Eggs on the other hand are actually good for digestive conditions such as acid reflux or gastritis because they are not acidic and don’t have fiber.

Both yogurt and eggs make good breakfast options because they provide important amounts of quality protein and lots of B vitamins, fats and dietary minerals. And since you never eat just yogurt or just eggs in the morning, the foods you combine them with only add to their nutritional value. For example, plain yogurt is great with fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts, seeds or, if you are not allergic, a drizzle of honey (see the Honey Varieties Map) or cereals, preferably whole-grain. Eggs are great boiled, poached, scrambled or made into an omelet with lots of vegetables, with two slices of whole-grain bread and why not, some fresh fruit.


Like all foods, both yogurt and eggs have their benefits and side effects. Overall, both are equally great choices for breakfast because they provide excellent nutrition. However, each person should consider existing medical conditions, sensitivities, allergies and nutritional requirements before choosing either one. For example, if you want to lose weight, yogurt might be a good idea because it’s lower in calories and fat compared to eggs, but still rich in protein. If you are looking for something satiating, eggs could be a good choice of a morning breakfast because they have plenty of fat and protein to keep you full longer.