8 Surprising Foods that Cause Diarrhea

Foods that cause diarrhea

Of the two main types of diarrhea, infectious and non-infectious, the latter is quite elusive. There are the obvious trigger-foods for non-infectious diarrhea such as regular milk and most dairy in lactose intolerance, gluten in gluten sensitivity, celiac disease and wheat allergy, FODMAPs such as the sugar fructose, fructans and sugar alcohols xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol … Read more about 8 Surprising Foods that Cause Diarrhea

Properties and Benefits of Cranberries


Though not sweet as other berries, cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccos) are a wonderful source of potent antioxidants, including the antioxidant vitamin C. According to several research papers, regular consumption of fresh cranberries can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent plaque buildup on artery walls, contributing to cardiovascular health. Moreover, thanks to a rich vitamin C … Read more about Properties and Benefits of Cranberries

Why do we get headaches?

Headache causes

Primary headaches (cephalgia) are headaches characterized by pain either in the head or neck area, or both. They are believed to be caused by a reduced blood flow to various areas of the cerebral cortex. However, diet as well as physiological and environmental factors play a crucial part in the evolution and management of the condition. … Read more about Why do we get headaches?