Is Jackfruit Acidic? (Answered)

jackfruit alkaline or acidic

The jackfruit comes from a species of tree native to southwestern India and the eastern peninsula of Malaysia. It is presently cultivated in the Antilles and America with a very exotic appearance and full of benefits for our body. It belongs to the Moraceae family of plants, including mulberries, figs, and breadfruits. A large jackfruit … Read more about Is Jackfruit Acidic? (Answered)

Is Guava Acidic?

guava acidic or alkaline

Guava is a juicy, sweet, and very nutritious fruit. It is one of the most common fruits for weight loss and a favorite fruit for many people. But many people don’t know that guava has many facts attached to its refreshing and juicy taste. So what are the side effects of guava? What are the … Read more about Is Guava Acidic?

Are Cucumbers Acidic?

cucumber acidic or alkaline

Cucumbers are one of the most used and common vegetables in our regular diets. They are healthy and highly beneficial for humans for plenty of different purposes. They contain low carbohydrates and cholesterol and are rich in essential minerals and nutrients. They can be used in plenty of ways in regular diet, as you can … Read more about Are Cucumbers Acidic?