Is Watermelon High In Potassium? (Explained)

There are certain types of fruits specific for a some seasons that could be almost impossible to survive without them. Isn’t the case of a delicious and refreshing slice of watermelon consumed during the summer period? 

The watermelon consumed during the summer gives an incredible boost of energy, the watermelon is the fruit with the highest concentration of water, low in calories and is a good source for Vitamin C. But, if that information may be very known, do you know about the quantity of potassium than a watermelon has? 

Is watermelon high in potassium? Considering the average recommended quantity of potassium being 4700 mg for an average person, the watermelon potassium content is around 112 mg per 100 mg, making the watermelon into medium fruit potassium.

Is Watermelon High In Potassium

Is watermelon high in potassium considering other fruits?

Potassium is an essential mineral present in our cells; its primary goal is to regulate the correct function of the muscles and nerves in our body. We know that we have to consume fruits regularly to stay healthy and make our body work fine, but some fruits may be higher in potassium than others.

So what is the difference between watermelon and banana, or watermelon and apples, regarding the quantity of potassium? Let’s take a look.

The first and most obvious comparison that most people will be interested in and personally me too was related to the difference in potassium between banana and watermelon.

  • The difference in potassium between apricot and watermelon is 86 mg since the apricot contains 200 mg and watermelon 112 mg. 
  • An orange contains 240 mg of potassium that brings the difference of 128 mg between orange and watermelon.

As you might have noticed, these three fruits are higher in potassium than the watermelon, and if you are curious to know more about the potassium content of fruits, take a look at our post: link to the article.

Is watermelon good for a low-potassium diet?

Following a particular diet is a responsibility that must be taken with maximum seriousness; it can be challenging initially, but it will be worth the effort. There are different types of diet present, but if you are following a particular diet, in which you have to eat low-potassium foods, you have to get a lot of information and be constantly updated regarding the potassium content of foods.

Suppose you are following a low potassium diet. In that case, the watermelon can be safely consumed since its potassium value is around 112mg for 100g, making it a soft to medium potassium fruit.

Watermelon is also perfect for people following other types of diets since it contains low calories and is rich in nutrients. Watermelon contains approximately 92% of water, which is why most of us consume that during the summer period.

It boosts energy, eating a slice of watermelon when it is hot outside, increasing the blood volume and preventing fainting.

Other benefits associated with the consumption of watermelon are that: provides reasonable amounts of the pigmented antioxidants beta-carotene and lycopene, and vitamin C.

See also:

Differents ways of eating watermelon

Now that you know that the watermelon is a medium potassium fruit, I can imagine that you would like to integrate it into your meals, but eating slices of watermelon one after another may annoy you after some time, so what to do? Are there other different ways of consuming watermelon? Let’s take a look.

The most traditional way of eating watermelon is by slicing it into parts and eating it, but have you ever tried watermelon in a salad?

The first alternative way of cooking watermelon is by cutting the watermelon in slices and inserting it into a salad; if you are in the summer period, it will enrich the freshness of your salad by making everything tastier.

If you are not so excited about mixing the sweet taste with something salty, you can always blend the slices of watermelon and prepare a refreshing drink.

To make it tastier, you can add some other ingredients, such as mint and cucumber. The possibilities are almost infinite, and they will all depend upon your preferences.

See also: Are Blueberries High In Potassium?

Where can I find watermelon? 

Nowadays, finding watermelon has never been so easy. Thanks to intermodal transport, the delivery of fruits and vegetables is achievable relatively quickly. If before some fruits could be difficult to find, nowadays we are very lucky, since, we may have every type of fruit that we desire.

The origin of watermelon started 4000 years ago when it was first introduced in the NorthEast part of Africa.

After approximately 2000 years, the African population has introduced the watermelon in the Mediterranean area and then in the rest of Europe.

The watermelon in the United States was colonized in the late 16th, where the first watermelon was grown in Florida. Nowadays, the fruit is cultivated in more than 90 countries worldwide, and thanks to marine and air transport, it is possible to enjoy this great low potassium fruit in every part of the world.

Final thoughts

If you are searching for fruits with low calories and low potassium, the watermelon is the perfect fruit.