Properties and Benefits of Dandelion Honey

Dandelion honey

Dandelion honey is a monofloral variety made from the flower nectar and pollen of dandelion flowers. It is a strong flavored honey with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and mild diuretic and prebiotic properties. It is commonly consumed for its beneficial action on digestive and liver health, but also used for various skin concerns. Like all honeys, … Read more about Properties and Benefits of Dandelion Honey

Properties and Benefits of Dandelions


Classified both as weed and medicinal herb, the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an incredible source of vitamins A, K and C, three essential nutrients with extraordinary health benefits. Regular consumption is theorized to benefit cardiovascular and eye health and contribute to improved immunity. Moreover, their high nutritional value gives dandelions antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as well … Read more about Properties and Benefits of Dandelions