Benefits of Artichoke Extract for Diabetes

Artichoke extract diabetes

Artichoke is an anti-diabetic food, low-glycemic, with minimal effects on blood sugar, and a source of several essential nutrients with benefits specifically for diabetes. But what about artichoke extract for diabetes? Studies show artichoke extract has a quantifiable anti-diabetic action in the form of blood sugar, blood cholesterol and blood pressure-lowering properties and anti-obesity effects … Read more about Benefits of Artichoke Extract for Diabetes

Citrulline Benefits for Blood Pressure

Citrulline for blood pressure

Citrulline is an amino acid known for its benefits for blood pressure, muscle function, exercise performance, including bodybuilding, and benefits for the immune system and ED. Citrulline supplements for blood pressure are aimed at vasodilating and improving blood flow to achieve a drop in blood pressure and anti-hypertensive benefits. In addition to natural food sources, … Read more about Citrulline Benefits for Blood Pressure